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sábado, 16 de septiembre de 2023

سیارے کی مہلک قسمت جس کے دو چاند تھے اور جو دو قمری دیویوں کی پوجا کرتا تھا۔


پھر خالق تخلیق نے کرہ ارض کے راستباز مردوں کی شکایتوں پر دھیان دیتے ہوئے جن کے ساتھ انصاف نہیں کیا گیا، اس سیارے کے ظالم لوگوں کو سزا دینے کا فیصلہ کیا اور اپنی تخلیق کی دو عورتوں کو بھیجا تاکہ وہ اس کے باشندوں کو یہ کہہ کر دھوکہ دیں کہ وہ چاند کی دیویاں ہیں جو عورتوں کے طور پر وجود میں آئیں۔ اور ان عورتوں کو لوگوں کے سامنے ساکھ حاصل کرنے کے لئے، انہیں دیوتاؤں کے خدا نے ایسی طاقتوں کے ساتھ بااختیار بنایا جو اس تہذیب کی سائنس کے ذریعہ ناقابل فہم تھیں۔

سیارے کی مہلک قسمت جس کے دو چاند تھے اور جو دو قمری دیویوں کی پوجا کرتا تھا۔

زمین سے ملتا جلتا ایک سیارہ تھا، لیکن دو چاندوں کے ساتھ، اس جگہ کے لوگوں کو اپنے چاندوں کی خوبصورتی کی بہت تعریف ہوئی، جس کی انہوں نے ایسی تصاویر بنائیں جن کی انہوں نے عزت کا علاج کیا، جیسے کہ وہ لوگ ہوں، ان کی تصاویر کا خیال اس حد تک تھا کہ انہوں نے ان لوگوں کی توہین کی جو ان کے سامنے گھٹنے نہیں ٹیکتے تھے چاہے وہ نیک لوگ ہوں یا نہیں۔ جیسے جیسے صدیاں گزرتی گئیں، ان دو چاندوں میں سے ایک نے اپنی خوبصورتی کھو دی کیونکہ یہ شہاب ثاقب سے تیزی سے متاثر ہوا تھا۔ لوگوں کے تصور میں ، ان چاندوں کی اپنی شخصیت تھی اور وہ اپنے سیارے کی حفاظتی دیوی تھے۔

اس عقیدے کے تحت، انہوں نے ان کے لئے مندر اور مجسمے بنائے، جو تیزی سے بڑے اور زیادہ پرکشش تھے، لیکن وہ ان میں سے ایک پر زیادہ توجہ دے رہے تھے، جو زیادہ خوبصورت لگ رہا تھا۔ وہ لوگ اس چاند کے مجسموں کے سامنے گھٹنے ٹیک کر بیٹھ گئے جنہیں بعد میں انہوں نے ایک خاتون کے مجسمے میں پیش کیا جس کے پاس ہلال چاند کو تاج کے طور پر رکھا گیا تھا اور اس کے پاس سیارے کو درپیش خطرات پر حملہ کرنے کے لئے ایک کمان اور تیر تھا۔

وہ دوسرے چاند کی نمائندگی اسی طرح کرتے تھے جیسے ایک عورت کے پاس اسی طرح کے ہتھیار تھے۔
ایک چاند دوسرے کے مقابلے میں زیادہ پسند کیا جاتا تھا۔ انہوں نے اپنا زیادہ تر وقت ان طریقوں کے لئے وقف کیا ، اور انہوں نے زندگی کے معاملات جیسے اپنے بچوں کو تعلیم دینا ، اپنے بچوں کی بات سننا ، اپنے ساتھی کے ساتھ وقت بانٹنا ، انصاف کے مطالبات کو حل کرنا وغیرہ پر منہ موڑ لیا۔

پھر خالق تخلیق نے کرہ ارض کے راستباز مردوں کی شکایتوں پر دھیان دیتے ہوئے جن کے ساتھ انصاف نہیں کیا گیا، اس سیارے کے ظالم لوگوں کو سزا دینے کا فیصلہ کیا اور اپنی تخلیق کی دو عورتوں کو بھیجا تاکہ وہ اس کے باشندوں کو یہ کہہ کر دھوکہ دیں کہ وہ چاند کی دیویاں ہیں جو عورتوں کے طور پر وجود میں آئیں۔ اور ان عورتوں کو لوگوں کے سامنے ساکھ حاصل کرنے کے لئے، انہیں دیوتاؤں کے خدا نے ایسی طاقتوں کے ساتھ بااختیار بنایا جو اس تہذیب کی سائنس کے ذریعہ ناقابل فہم تھیں۔

ان عورتوں کا پیغام یہ تھا کہ ان کے مجسموں پر مزید دعاؤں کا مطالبہ اس دھمکی کے ساتھ کیا جائے کہ اگر لوگ ان کی عبادت نہ کریں گے تو دنیا کو سخت عذاب کا سامنا کرنا پڑے گا، لیکن نیک لوگوں نے ان عورتوں پر بھروسہ نہیں کیا، ان کے معجزات کے باوجود، اور ان کے مطالبات پر توجہ نہیں دی، وہ چاندوں کے کسی مجسمے کی پوجا نہیں کرتے تھے، درحقیقت وہ کسی بھی شبیہ کی پرستش نہیں کرتے تھے۔ لیکن رہائشیوں کی اکثریت عورتوں سے ڈرتی تھی اور ان معجزات کے لئے ان کی پوجا کرتی تھی ، تاہم ، آفات بڑھتی ہوئی کثرت کے ساتھ آتی رہیں: قحط ، طوفان ، زلزلے ، سیلاب ، جنگیں ، بغاوتیں وغیرہ۔

ان چاندوں کی خوبصورتی کو بت بنانے والے باشندے پھر چاند کی مختلف تصاویر کے سامنے خود کو نقصان پہنچانے اور خون بہنے لگے، لیکن سیارے پر آفات زیادہ سے زیادہ ہوتی جا رہی تھیں۔ انہوں نے اپنی دیویوں کی تلاش کی، لیکن تخلیق کے خالق نے پہلے ہی جبریل کے ذریعے انہیں تباہ کر دیا تھا، جو اس کے بنائے ہوئے معبودوں میں سے ایک تھا۔ پھر ان کی پوجا کرنے والوں نے چاندوں کے پجاریوں کی طرف رخ کیا اور جواب مانگا: “آپ نے ہمیشہ ہمیں بتایا ہے کہ ہماری دیویوں کو خوش کرنے کے لئے کیا کرنا ہے، اب وہ چلے گئے ہیں اور ہم نہیں جانتے کہ ان کے ساتھ کیا ہوا، آپ کو ہمیں بتانا ہوگا کہ “ہم غلط کر رہے ہیں، یہ آفات کیوں جاری ہیں؟، چاند اب ہماری حفاظت کیوں نہیں کرتے؟”۔

چاندوں کے پجاریوں کے پاس کوئی ٹھوس جواب نہیں تھا، اور جو لوگ کبھی ان کی تعریف کرتے تھے وہ ان سے نفرت کرنے لگے، ان کی بدبختیوں کا الزام ان پر عائد کرنے اور انہیں قتل کرنے لگے: لیکن وہ لوگ جو دیویوں پر یقین نہیں رکھتے تھے اور جو طویل عرصے سے ان اعمال سے نفرت کرتے تھے جنہیں وہ مضحکہ خیز سمجھتے تھے، انہوں نے آسمان پر یو ایف اوز کا ایک بیڑا دیکھا۔

ان تمام یو ایف اوز نے اس سیارے کی بہت سی زبانوں میں لکھا پیغام جاری کیا، پیغام یہ تھا: “تخلیق کے خالق نے ہمیں اس سیارے سے آپ کو ہٹانے کے لیے بھیجا ہے، آپ سب جو ہمیں سمجھ سکتے ہیں وہ دشمن لوگ نہیں ہیں۔ تخلیق کار کی پروگرامنگ کے مطابق دشمن زیادہ شدت کے ساتھ خود کو تباہ کرنا شروع کر رہے ہیں، لیکن ان جہازوں کے ذریعے ہم آپ کو بچا لیں گے۔

شریر لوگ اپنی زبانوں میں لکھے ہوئے پیغام کو سمجھنے سے قاصر تھے، انہوں نے یو ایف اوز کو دیکھا، لیکن وہ صرف ان کی موجودگی سے خوفزدہ اور الجھن کا شکار تھے، ان کی مسلح افواج انہیں گولی نہیں مار سکتی تھیں، وہ بندروں کی طرح تھے جو ٹینک پر پتھر پھینک رہے تھے، یو ایف اوز نے راستبازوں کو اپنے جہازوں کی طرف دھکیل دیا، انہوں نے اس سیارے کی فضا کو اپنے ساتھ چھوڑ دیا، اور وہ ہمیشہ کے لیے اپنے ساتھیوں کے ساتھ امن سے رہتے تھے، جو ان جہازوں کو چلاتے تھے، کائنات کو دوسرے سیاروں کی تلاش میں رکھتے تھے تاکہ وہ راستبازوں کے لیے اپنے فلوٹیلا کے ساتھ ان سے بچ سکیں اور ان کے ساتھ زیادہ سے زیادہ یو ایف اوز پیدا کر سکیں۔
اور جہاں تک اس سیارے کا تعلق ہے تو اس سیارے کو اس کے اپنے باشندوں نے تباہ کر دیا تھا کیونکہ وہ ان جھوٹے اشاروں پر یقین رکھتے تھے کہ تخلیق کے خالق نے انہیں ان کی بت پرستی کے تکبر کی سزا کے طور پر بھیجا تھا اور زندگی کے معاملات سے منہ موڑ لیا تھا۔

وہ آسمان کے سرے سے ایک دور دراز ملک سے آ رہے ہیں۔

The story of the destruction of a beautiful planet in the Orion constellation. Didactic novel written by Jose Galindo.

On a planet in one of the stars of the Orion constellation.

The cursed planet in Orion which had blessed people to be rescued before its destruction.

the planet in orion consteklation 144K XYZ

There was a planet similar to the Earth, but with two Moons, the people in that place felt great admiration for the beauty of their Moons, which they made images of which they gave treatments of respect, as if they were people, to such a point was the consideration for their images that they insulted people who did not kneel in front of them regardless of whether they were virtuous people; As the centuries passed, one of those two Moons lost its beauty as it was increasingly impacted by meteorites. In the imagination of people, these Moons had their own personality and were protective goddesses of their planet. Under that belief, they made temples and sculptures for them, increasingly larger and more ostentatious, but they were paying more attention to one of them, the one that looked more beautiful; those people knelt before sculptures of that Moon which they later personified in the sculpture of a woman with the crescent Moon as a crown, and having as weapons a bow and arrow to attack the threats to the planet. One Moon was more adored than the other. They dedicated a lot of their time to those practices, and they turned their backs on life issues such as educating their children, listening to their children, sharing time with their partner, addressing demands for justice, etc.

Then the creator of creation, heeding the complaints of the righteous men of the planet to whom justice was not done, decided to punish the unjust people of that planet and sent two women of his creation to deceive its inhabitants by telling them that they were the moons-goddesses incarnated as women. And for these women to have credibility before the people, they were empowered by the God of gods with powers which were inexplicable by the science of that civilization. The message of these women was the demand for more prayers to their statues with the threat that if people did not worship them, then the world would suffer terrible punishments, but the righteous people did not trust these women, despite their miraculous signs, and did not pay attention to their demands, they did not worship any of the sculptures of the Moons, in fact, they did not worship absolutely any image. But the majority of the inhabitants feared the women and worshiped them for the miracles granted, however, calamities continued to occur with increasing frequency: droughts, hurricanes, earthquakes, floods, wars, seditions, etc.

The false goddesses then said: “You are not worshiping us enough! We want more of your time, we want you prostrate in front of our images for longer, and we also demand that you to practice self-flagellation to honour us”.

The inhabitants who idolized the beauty of these Moons then began to self-harm and bleed in front of the various images of the Moon, but calamities were becoming more and more frequent on the planet. They sought their goddesses, but the creator of creation had already destroyed them through Gabriel, one of the just gods he made; Then those who worshiped them turned to the priests of the Moons and demanded answers: “You have always told us what to do to please our goddesses, now they are gone and we don’t know what happened to them, you must tell us that “We are doing wrong, why do these calamities continue?, Why don’t the Moons protect us anymore?”.

The priests of the Moons did not have convincing answers, and the people who once admired them began to despise them, to blame them for their misfortunes and to kill them: But the people who did not believe in the goddesses and who had long hated these practices that they considered absurd, they saw a fleet of UFOs in the sky.
All of these UFOs issued a message written in many of the languages of that planet, the message was this: “The creator of creation has sent us to remove you from this planet, all of you who can understand us are not hostile people. The hostile ones are beginning to self-destruct with more intensity, according to the programming of the creator of creation, but through these ships, we will save you”.

The wicked people could not understand the message despite it being written in their languages, they saw the UFOs, but they were only afraid and confused by their presence, their armed forces could not shoot them down, they were like monkeys throwing stones to a tank, the UFOs levitated the righteous towards their ships, they left the atmosphere of that planet with them, and they lived in peace forever with their fellow men, those who manned those ships, searching the universe for other planets to save from them with their flotillas to the righteous and create with them more and more UFOs, and as for that planet, that planet was destroyed by its own inhabitants because they believed in the false signals that the creator of creation sent them as punishment for the arrogance of their idolatry and for turning their back on the issues of life, on justice.

They are coming from a distant land, from the end of the heavens.

Love of enemies is not justice, it is not part of the true gospel, usurping gods have lied against the holy gods, and a righteous man has warned against the false gospel, but the admirers of usurper gods have not listened to him, and when they they didn’t listen to him they didn’t listen to him who have sent him, they didn’t listen to the creator of all the gods.

Isaiah 13:5 Jehovah and the instruments of his wrath are coming from a distant land, from the end of the heavens, to destroy the whole earth. “I will punish the world for its wickedness.” Psalms 11:6 He will rain calamities on the wicked.

Isaiah 13:12 And I will make mortals rarer than pure gold. Isaiah 66:4 For I called, and no one answered. Proverbs 1:6-7 I too will laugh in their tribulation. Then they will call me and I won’t answer.

They are coming, my friends, let’s give welcome to our friends


It makes no difference what name you give to the sculpture. It makes no difference if the image is incorporated together with one or more different images in a single sculpture.
What you see here is what the righteous King Hezekiah condemned with the approval of the creator of creation, the false prophets have changed the names of the sculptures and the verbs to do the same thing that the false prophets did that he faced so much. King Hezekiah as the prophet Elijah: Idolatry and self-flagellation. And although the Bible contains many falsehoods of the Roman persecutors, this Jewish basis is clear enough to denounce the hypocrisy of the idolatrous priests, since they do not admit that they preach demonic doctrines:
2 Kings 18:4 King Hezekiah removed the high places, and broke the images, and cut down the Asherah symbols, and broke in pieces the bronze serpent that Moses had made, because until then the children of Israel burned incense to it; and he called her Nehustan.

Keep this in mind: God commanded Moses to make a bronze snake but not so that it would be worshiped, not so that people would kneel before that snake to pray to it or burn incense in its honor, because God did not prohibit making images, which God forbade is to worship images, the commandment against idolatry has been maliciously divided into two verses to confuse many, but Exodus 20:5 is part of Exodus 20:4, and they are like a single command.

Exodus 20:4 You shall not make for yourself an image, nor any likeness of anything that is in heaven above, nor that is on the earth beneath, nor that is in the water under the earth. 5 You shall not bow down to them, nor honor them; For I am the Lord your God, strong and jealous, visiting the iniquity of the fathers on the children to the third and fourth generation of those who hate me.
And you see, God hates those who hate him, the story of a God who loves the bad and the good that the Romans tell us in their Bible is false, and if this is in the Bible it is because it comes from Judaism and is prior to the Roman persecution against the true Christians who were Jews, since the true gospel of Christianity is part of the Jewish prophecies, therefore it would never deny the law against prohibited foods (Deuteronomy 14:3 You shall eat nothing abominable. 8 You shall not eat pork’s flesh ), Isaiah never condemned the prohibition of the consumption of pork as the Romans say in their Bible in Matthew 15:11.
Matthew 15:7 Hypocrites, well did Isaiah prophesy of you, when he said:
8 This people honors me with their lips; But his heart is far from me.
9 For they honor me in vain, Teaching as doctrines the commandments of men. 10 And calling the multitude to him, he said to them, Hear and understand: 11 Not what enters the mouth defiles a man; but what comes out of the mouth defiles a man.
Read Isaiah 65 and Isaiah 28 and Isaiah 29 and you will see that the hypocrites prophesied about were not the Jews who were faithful to the law of not eating pork, such as those seven brothers and their mother massacred by a Greek for having refused to eat pork. The hypocrites are the Romans who ruled over Jesuralem and made a pact with death, they are the hypocrites who claim to serve the God of Abraham, but it is a lie, they are the worst beings in the world.
Isaiah 65:3 People who continually provoke me to anger to my face, sacrificing in gardens, and burning incense on bricks; 4 who remain in the tombs, and spend the night in hidden places; who eat swine’s flesh, and in their pots there is broth of unclean things;

Numbers 21:7 Then the people came to Moses and said, We have sinned because we have spoken against the Lord and against you; Pray to Jehovah to remove these snakes from us. And Moses prayed for the people. 8 And Jehovah said to Moses, Make yourself a fiery serpent, and put it on a pole; and whoever is bitten and looks at it will live
The command was not: “pray to the snake,” nor “kneel before the snake,” nor “burn incense to it.” It was made to be seen not to be worshiped, but today’s false prophets ask people to worship the serpent and the Moon that are part of their sculptures of men and women.
1 Kings 18:27 And it came to pass at noon, that Elijah mocked them, saying, Cry aloud, for he is a god; Maybe he is meditating, or he has some work, or he is on the way; Maybe he’s sleeping, and we have to wake him up. 28 And they cried with a loud voice, and cut themselves with knives and lancets according to their custom, until the blood flowed on them.
Self-flagellation continues to happen, in Catholicism and Islam they continue to do so; However, the Pope meets with leaders of all the idolatrous religions of the world and tells the press: “All of our paths lead to the same God, let us unite with the other pagan religions.” Their god himself is called deceit for ill-gotten gain, idolatry, blasphemy, usurpation and slander.

Those who worshiped the goddess Artemis said that a meteorite fell from the sky and was placed in the temple of Artemis, where they worshiped her sculpture. In a similar way, those who worship the black stone, and prostrate themselves before the Kabba where they have placed it, say that it is a meteorite given to Abraham and Ishmael by the archangel Gabriel, and they say that the archangel Gabriel indicated to Muhammad that it had been chosen as the last prophet of God. Was it Gabriel, or an imposter angel at the service of the “Moon goddess”? It wasn’t Gabriel, it wasn’t me, but it will be me: I will be the one to destroy everything called “Satan”: slander. ITWILLBE.ME

Satan leads the world main religions – I tell you how by free – no copy right – share by free Vv

Isaiah 28:14 Therefore, you scoffing men who govern this people who are in Jerusalem, hear the word of the Lord. 15 Because you have said, We have made a covenant with death, and we have made a covenant with Sheol; When the storm of the scourge passes, it will not reach us, because we have put our refuge in lies, and we will hide in falsehood; 16 Therefore thus says the Lord God: Behold, I have laid in Zion a stone for a foundation, a tested stone, a precious cornerstone, a stable foundation; He who believes, let him not be hasty. 17 And I will adjust judgment to the line, and justice to the level; and hail will sweep away the refuge of lies, and waters will overwhelm the hiding place. 18 And your covenant with death will be annulled, and your covenant with Sheol will not be firm; When the storm of scourge passes, you will be trampled by it. 19 As soon as he begins to pass away, he will snatch you away; for from morning to morning he will pass, day and night; and it will certainly be terrifying to understand what has been heard.

Isaiah 29:9 Stop and marvel; be confused and blinded; get drunk, and not with wine; stagger, and not of strong drink. 10 For Jehovah poured out upon you the spirit of sleep, and closed the eyes of your prophets, and put a veil over the heads of your seers. 11 And every vision will be to you like the words of a sealed book, which if they give to him who knows how to read, and say to him, Read now this; He will say: I cannot, because it is sealed. 12 And if the book be given to him who cannot read, saying, Read this now; He will say: I don’t know how to read.

Isaiah 29:13 Therefore Jehovah says: For this people draw near to me with their mouth, and honor me with their lips, but their heart is far from me, and their fear of me is nothing more than a commandment of men given to them. been taught; 14 Therefore, behold, I will again excite the admiration of this people with a great and fearful wonder; for the wisdom of their wise men will perish, and the intelligence of their wise men will fade away.

Isaiah 29:15 Woe to those who hide from the Lord, hiding his counsel, and his works are in darkness, and say, Who sees us, and who knows us?! 16 Your perversity will certainly be reputed as the potter’s clay. Will the work say of its maker: He did not make me? Will the vessel of him who formed it say: He did not understand?
17 Will not in a very short time Lebanon become a fruitful field, and the fertile field will be counted as a forest? 18 At that time the deaf will hear the words of the book, and the eyes of the blind will see in the midst of darkness and gloom. 19 Then the humble will grow in joy in the Lord, and even the poorest of men will rejoice in the Holy One of Israel. 20 For the violent will be finished, and the scorner will be consumed; All those who are awake to do iniquity will be destroyed, 21 who cause a man to sin by word; those who lay a trap for him who rebuked him at the gate, and pervert the cause of the righteous with vanity.

“Give welcome to my friends, you “Sodom, Babylon and Egypt”, it is daddy again sending them!.”

What is the “Wing of Abominations” spoken of in Daniel 9:27? – “Then the desolator will come with the multitude of abominations, until the consummation comes, and what is determined will be poured out on the desolator.”

You see that God does not love his enemies, he is outraged by the Roman fraud and by the lack of interest of people in general in finding the true gospel, since they take pleasure in the injustice of the false gospel and in the vanities that the false prophets preach in general.
Daniel 9:27 On the wing of abominations will come the desolator (The Roman desolator will come with doctrines contrary to those of the religion of the prophet Daniel, doctrines that defend the consumption of pork, celibacy, idolatry, impunity (love to the enemy), they are Roman attacks against the holy covenant by falsifying it for their Bible!!), until a complete destruction, which is decreed, is poured out on the desolator.»
Isaiah 13:13 For I will shake the heavens, and the earth will move from its place, in the indignation of the Lord of hosts, and in the day of his fierce anger.

I have an identity crisis, sometimes I think I am Michael, sometimes I am Gabriel, but that does not bother me as long as I am an enemy of Satan, my self-perception does not prevent me from having an autonomous life, but those who are bothered by my high self-esteem are those people who slander me and who, through torture with pills for the mentally ill and kidnappings, have tried to destroy my health, my integrity and my autonomy forever.

Some days I think I am Michael, some other days I think that I am Gabriel, but what matters here is that I am the adversary, but the Devil’s adversary.

Psalms 8:4 what is man that you are mindful of him, and the son of man that you care for him? 5 Yet you have made him a little lower than the heavenly beings and crowned him with glory and honor.

They warn Zeus: «Zeus, rebuke your disciples, they are acting against the law of the Most High.»
But Zeus/Shemihaza responds: «Well, let them continue worshiping me and continue eating pork!»

And there is no rebellious angel who can save Shemihaza from eternal punishment.

Then the vengeful indignation of the God who created Zeus condemns him forever.

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Y entonces Satanás le dijo al ángel Gabriel: "Te ofrezco 72 mujeres vírgenes si me aceptas como tu profeta obedeciéndome al inclinarte delante de este cubo".

Y Satanás le dijo al santo: ¿Quién ese hombre que se ha osado a desobedecer mis palabras y a no adorarme ni a mi ni a mi imagen, y por qué é...

El poder del ojo por ojo, es superior a la justicia ciega, a Babilonia, la condenada prostituta

El poder del ojo por ojo, es superior a la justicia ciega, a Babilonia, la condenada prostituta
La ley del ojo por ojo - haciendo joda contra los falsos testigos de Jehová El Diablo dijo lo que Cristo no dijo jamás, pero lo ha calumniado en boca de los romanos. Deuteronomio 19:20 Y los que quedaren oirán y temerán, y no volverán a hacer más una maldad semejante en medio de ti. 21 Y no le compadecerás; vida por vida, ojo por ojo, diente por diente, mano por mano, pie por pie. (Diablo o Satanás significa "El calumniador", fueron ellos y no un ser imaginario, no es que "El diablo los poseyó"). En Apocalipsis 6:10 no existe amor a los enemigos porque revela que Babilonia (Roma) ha falsificado las palabras de los santos. – «La pena de muerte» vs. «Ama a tu enemigo», El Diablo: Ama a tu enemigo, Yo: «No lo haré porque esa no es palabra de Dios sino de su enemigo el Diablo que lo calumnió».  (A= Salmos 22) + (B=2 Macabeos 7) = (C=Salmos 82:6-7) C: Su sangre no fue en vano, ni en rebelión contra la verdadera palabra de Dios (Isaías 66:17, Levítico 11) ¡lo cual mediante calumnias fue negado por los romanos en su Biblia (Mateo 15:11)!

Soy el héroe de la princesa y eso irrita al villano de escamas al cual le digo: "Aleja tus estatuas de ella, infeliz idólatra rebelde!, la ley de mi Dios dice: Éxodo 20:5 No te inclinarás a las imágenes, ni las honrarás; porque yo soy Jehová tu Dios celoso. Y cómo no has respetado este mandamiento, has falsificado el evangelio, por eso la Biblia tiene mentiras de Roma, con las cuales a ella no la engañarás, serpiente antigua!!, la virgen justa creerá en mi testimonio y no en tus calumnias. Además de ser el héroe de Luz Victoria, soy el anti ángeles impostores, se les puede reconocer como impostores porque ellos no aman la ley de Dios en Deuteronomio 22:5 (Apocalipsis 12:9-10). Deuteronomio 22:5 No vestirá la mujer traje de varón, ni el varón vestirá ropa de mujer; porque abominación es a Jehová tu Dios cualquiera que esto hace. Como ya ha sucedido en el pasado, los ángeles leales a Dios se manifiestan como hombres que sí aman la ley de Dios: Génesis 19:5 Y llamaron a Lot, y le dijeron: ¿Dónde están los varones que vinieron a ti esta noche? Sácalos, para que los conozcamos. Ellos llegaron como varones, no como mujeres, y no como travestis!. Gabriel fue descrito como un varón por el profeta Daniel: Daniel 9:21 aún estaba hablando en oración, cuando el varón Gabriel, a quien había visto en la visión al principio, volando con presteza, vino a mí como a la hora del sacrificio de la tarde. Sin embargo los amigos de los dioses griegos y enemigos de Dios, no solamente han falsificado el verdadero evangelio al helenizarlo, con sus imágenes ellos presentan a los dioses griegos como Zeus, Cupido, y los ángeles de cabello largo, a quiénes ellos les rezan, los verdaderos santos ángeles de Dios no son así, y nunca solicitan que nadie les recen a ellos o a imagen o criatura alguna. Pero el imperio romano no ha cambiado solo se ha transformado en un imperio religioso al que todos los gobiernos del mundo le consultan para crear leyes a favor de esas y de otras lacras sociales. Por medio de usar los nombres de los ángeles justos, ellos han insultado y acusado falsamente a los santos ángeles de ser autores y consentidores de diversas doctrinas idólatras, por eso son arrojados de su torre arriba. 

(A= Salmos 22) + (B=2 Macabeos 7) = (C=Salmos 82:6-7) C: Su sangre no fue en vano, ni en rebelión contra la verdadera palabra de Dios (Isaías 66:17, Levítico 11) ¡lo cual mediante calumnias fue negado por los romanos en su Biblia (Mateo 15:11)!

Apocalipsis 12:9 Y fue lanzado fuera el gran dragón, la serpiente antigua, que se llama diablo y Satanás, el cual engaña al mundo entero; fue arrojado a la tierra, y sus ángeles fueron arrojados con él. 

Apocalipsis 12:10 Entonces oí una gran voz en el cielo, que decía: Ahora ha venido la salvación, el poder, y el reino de nuestro Dios, y la autoridad de su Cristo; porque ha sido lanzado fuera el acusador de nuestros hermanos, el que los acusaba delante de nuestro Dios día y noche.

Eso les pasa por criar cuervos, por defender a criminales!