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lunes, 16 de septiembre de 2024

He barely grasped the magnitude of his discovery when he heard footsteps behind him. It was his family—Uncle Manuel and his cousins Andrea and Condorito—

 «The Hidden Will: Conspiracy, Slander, and Redemption»

That day, Mateo was cleaning the attic of the old family house, a task he had avoided for years. Amidst the dust and cobwebs, his fingers brushed against a worn wooden box. When he opened it, he found something unexpected: a yellowed, fragile envelope with his late father’s unmistakable handwriting on the outside. The envelope contained the original will, which he had never seen. His father, a reserved but fair man, had left him valuable properties—the same ones Mateo thought he had lost after a quick reading of a will modified by his uncle Alberto after his father’s death.

He barely grasped the magnitude of his discovery when he heard footsteps behind him. It was his family—Uncle Alberto and his cousins—who had entered unannounced. Their faces tightened when they saw what Mateo was holding.

“What do you have there?” Alberto asked, his voice laced with false concern.

Mateo didn’t have time to hide the will. Before he could explain what he had found, one of his cousins struck him hard in the head. Darkness swallowed him.

He awoke in a strange room, gagged and tied to a chair. A cold hospital light illuminated the space. In front of him stood a middle-aged man in a white coat with a twisted smile. He was the psychiatrist his family had hired. Mateo, dazed and weak from the blow, could barely move.

“Your family tells me you’ve been acting erratically, Mateo. They say you’ve become obsessed with stories of inheritance and conspiracies. We’re here to help,” the doctor said with a sinister tone.

His family’s plan was simple yet cruel: they wanted to declare him insane to claim all the properties for themselves. Mateo tried to speak, but the gag prevented him from making a sound. He watched as the psychiatrist prepared a syringe, ready to administer sedatives that would plunge him into a false madness.

Day after day, they forced him to take medication, trying to destroy his will. They attempted to subject him to a deep-sleep therapy, a radical treatment meant to keep him sedated for long periods. Mateo fought to maintain his sanity as his captors continued with their plan.

That was when he met Irene, a nurse who noticed something strange about the entire process. She had seen cases of truly ill patients and knew that something was off with Mateo. Each time she treated him, she whispered words of encouragement, urging him to resist.

“I know you’re not crazy, Mateo. I’m sure something else is going on,” she said one day while changing the bandages on his head. Mateo looked at her with gratitude, though he could barely respond due to the state they kept him in.

Finally, one night, Irene decided to act. During one of her late-night shifts, she devised a plan to help him escape. She swapped the pills they forced him to take with placebos, and in the early morning hours, she helped him slip out of the hospital. She provided him with clothes and took him to a safe place where he could recover.

For weeks, Mateo and Irene worked in secret, gathering evidence of the kidnapping and his family’s plot. Irene risked her career to obtain falsified medical records and secretly recorded conversations between the psychiatrist and Uncle Alberto. Meanwhile, Mateo tracked down copies of the original will. He knew that one copy had been given to his lawyer before everything happened, but his family had tried to hide or destroy it.

After months of investigation, they found what they needed. Mateo obtained a copy of the original will his father had signed years before his death. With the help of a trusted lawyer, they presented the evidence in court. The recordings of conversations between Alberto and the psychiatrist exposed the conspiracy, and the falsified medical documents revealed the abuse Mateo had suffered during his captivity.

The trial was intense, but the evidence was overwhelming. One by one, his family members fell under the weight of the truth. Uncle Alberto and his sons were convicted of kidnapping, fraud, and abuse of power. The corrupt psychiatrist lost his license and was also sentenced for his role in the conspiracy.

In the end, Mateo regained everything that was rightfully his, but more than that, he reclaimed his dignity and freedom. Irene, who had been his savior, stayed by his side. Over time, what began as an alliance for survival blossomed into something deeper. Mateo and Irene fell in love, and together, they left behind the pain of the past.

They married in an intimate ceremony, surrounded by friends and the few people they could truly trust. In time, they had two children, who grew up in a family shaped not by betrayal or greed, but by love, loyalty, and mutual respect.

As Mateo watched his children play in the gardens of the family estate, he thought about his father’s legacy. He hadn’t just reclaimed the properties; he had found something far more valuable—a new family, a second chance at life in peace. His life had been transformed, not by money or possessions, but by the love he had discovered along the way.

Interesting fictional story, and it’s partly the work of artificial intelligence and partly my work.

I am amazed at how science has increased, it is the duty of the just man to use science for the benefit of justice. Daniel will make good use of science. Daniel 12:4 But you, Daniel, shut the words, and seal the book until the time of the end. Many will run to and fro, and science will increase. True words in the Bible are like the floating remains of a ship in a sea of lies. The contradictions are the work of Roman persecutors: Matthew 4:6-11 says that Satan tempted Jesus and quoted a passage in Psalms 91 to him that says: «God will send his angels to serve you, so that your foot will not stumble in stone», also says that Jesus drove Satan away from him, and that later some angels came and served Jesus. But that is false, because if that prophecy had been fulfilled, Jesus would have seen the death of a thousand or ten thousand of his enemies, but Jesus would not have died. (Angel means messenger, one who carries a message). Psalms 91:7 Thousands will fall at your side, but you will not fall, 8 you will see with your own eyes how the wicked will be punished, 9 you will be saved because you have trusted in Jehovah, 10 You will be saved from calamities, 11 Because Jehovah will send his messengers to guide you on your way, so that you do not stumble on the stones along the way. Those things did not happen in the first life of Jesus, furthermore when the prophecy says «stumbling stone», it refers to false prophets who seek to cause the righteous to commit sins. Not stones in the strict sense of the word. There are many more falsehoods of the Romans in the Bible, if you came to know this from this AI-created story, perhaps you would not have come to know this otherwise.

Corrupt Psychiatrist Falsely Diagnoses Man as Insane at the Request of Greedy Relatives.
If Saint Peter or Saint Paul were to return to life, they would give a testimony like mine.

Cursing Jehovah is a typical action of Satan’s forces:

Some have started blasphemous rumours.

Introductory message: Satan means slanderer, so Satan does exist because false witnesses do exist.
Who is Satan (the chief slanderer (the chief Satan)), the leader of the angels who rebelled against God?.
Satan is Zeus, that pagan god who worshiped those who ate pork, for which the Romans hellenized the gospel, that is why the Bible in Matthew 15: 11 contradicts Isaiah 66: 17, among other contradictions, there are even Roman forgeries in the Old Testament to discredit the words of justice in the writings of Moses, such as cheek for cheek, instead of offering the other cheek. Those who refused to eat pork (2 Maccabees 6:2, 2 Maccabees 7:7-10, Leviticus 11), are those who despised their lives to the point of death in their first life. Does it seem logical to you that they chose to die instead of eating pork, so that in their second life they eat pork because of what the Bible says in 1 Timothy 4:1-6 and Matthew 15:11? They are the wise ones who have been reincarnated in the third millennium (Hosea 6:2, Daniel 12:2-3), and live in heaven (at the right hand of God, Psalms 118:7-25, Matthew 21:38-42).

You will never see Zeus, but as the false prophets who worship him say, Zeus lives in them, that is why all the evils that you have heard his prophets do have come to light. Revelation 12:10 Then I heard a loud voice in heaven say, “Now have come the salvation, and the power, and the kingdom of our God, and the authority of his Christ! For the accuser of our brothers has been cast down, who accused them before our God day and night. 11 And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony; and they loved not their lives unto the death. 12 Therefore rejoice, O heavens, and you who dwell in them! Woe to you who dwell on the earth and on the sea! For the devil has come down to you, having great wrath, because he knows that he has but a short time.

If Potiphar’s wife and the prophet Joseph were to come back to life, she would incriminate him thus.

Look at the rest you will see in the video but here I will tell you some extra things, the mark of
the beast a mark of belonging, the image of the beast, the
idol of the Roman persecutor, keep that in mind, idol of the Roman persecutor
, the mouth of dragon, the mouth of the false prophet and the unclean words
he speaks, the doctrines that pleased the Roman persecutors. Now, that’s
a clue, that’s a clue, now watch the video and understand the rest.
Greetings, How are you? Look, let’s reason together. I like logical reasoning
and I’m going to tell you something, if I hadn’t witnessed that there are people
who betray loyalty and that there are people who hate the righteous. without reason, that
there are people who slander against the innocent, I would not believe in absolutely
anything in the Bible, if it were not for what I have witnessed, I have not witnessed miracles,
signs, lights, I have never heard voices, I have never had visions or meaning that
God has spoken to me in dreams, nothing, nothing, nothing that I have had any
extraordinary experience, nothing to see, everything that I have learned just in case
what I learned based on reading and reasoning nothing more: reading ,
comparison and reasoning. No miracles here, nothing, no lights, no
voices, never. So based on these readings that I have
done in my free time in these times, these last few years. I have
discovered that there are lies in the Bible, and I expose them in my videos
and my web pages, now speaking of lies, there are so many lies in the
Bible that I am really disgusted, that is, the Romans have put up a
horrible story that is strengthens the ignorance of
many, because the vast majority of people have not read even
half of the Bible and do not have the slightest idea of ​​what is there, and only by having
an idea of ​​what is in the Bible can you convince you that there are lies
because if you compare, well I’ll explain to you: Imagine that this bottle, or imagine
that this is, imagine that this is the Bible, right?, imagine if you read a piece
here, it is difficult to realize which is a lie, if you read another piece here it is
difficult, because they are apparent truths. But if you read more or less 70%, or
more, then you will remember that you have read something that is very different from
another part you have read, and that, for example, here is a message that in order for it to
be fulfilled , that would imply that the message that is here must be a certain way,
or for this part to be true, this part did not have to have happened, and there
you discover what I have discovered if you are analytical. There
you will discover, like me, that there are serious stories in the Bible, only
if you read a minimum of 70 percent, from different parts.
So those people are missing a lot, but many don’t know anything, not even 1%,
so they don’t know anything, they are lost, but they dare to say, they
dare to defend tooth and nail that it is the word of God, and They have n’t even
read it. And that was my case too. Do you know why? Because I
was Catholic, I had never read much of the commandments of
Moses in Exodus, never, I had barely read Revelation but if you don’t read a
little more you can’t understand more or less what the core is about. of the
matter. And one day, because of things in life, I read Exodus 20, where it says: You will not bow down
to images. I immediately stopped being Catholic, but I was very indignant. Look,
I was so indignant, so indignant, that I didn’t take the time to investigate further and
I went on the attack, do you know how I went on the attack? I went out into the street and
tried to open people’s eyes by telling them: «Hey, [read this]», like the majority in Peru [is Catholic],
because I am Peruvian and I am from Lima, and here in Lima the majority are Catholic people,
and I was too, I was also Catholic.
So I tried to open people’s eyes by telling them: «They are deceiving us
with idolatry.» But I did not do it by associating with some evangelical group, I did not do it with the intention of
earning money by warning people of a deception, I did not do it for that,
that is why I never agreed to found a church, or being
evangelical and collecting tithes, no, none of that, this has been on my own, but
many family members, many family fans, did not like that . But well, I did want
help people. Well, I was learning, I was just learning. But,
what was my problem? What was my mistake? My problem was that I, assuming that
because Catholics and Evangelicals and the entire Christian world defend the
Bible, which, even if it is a Catholic Bible or a Protestant Bible, contain almost the
same messages, 99% of it is the same, a few more books, a few less books,
but it is practically the same message, the same gospel, the one that is in the
Catholic Bible and the one that is in the Protestant Bible, and each one says
they interpret it differently, but basically they are the same bases:
that Jesus was resurrected, that Paul became Saul to Paul, that Jesus
was born of a virgin. The same lies that before I didn’t know were lies, but
that I know based on analysis, but before I didn’t know they were lies: Those stories
that Jesus was resurrected, that Saul converted to Paul, that Jesus was born from a
virgin, etc., etc. I didn’t know those things, and be careful that these things are defended by
both Catholics and Protestants. So there is a media campaign by
these groups to defend the Bible, and not only do they defend it,
the films also defend it in an indirect way when they make
religious films, television and cinema defend the
Bible in one way or another through its films, society through its
religious festivals. There is practically a lot of support for the Bible: rulers
swear with their hands on the Bible when they take office.
So it was difficult at that time that I was outraged, [at a time] when I
was just beginning to read [the Bible], to assume that the majority of people could be deceived,
that everyone was deceived, it was difficult to assume. So, what happened? Then,
under that support that the Bible has, I was indignant because I was very upset to
discover that the Catholic Church had taught me idolatry,
I protested, but what did the people say to [me]?: » Listen, the Bible says here: ‘Do not worship images. Exodus 20.’»
And since the people were also very ignorant, they responded to me: «What? Where does it say? Where does it say that?
I have been taught: ‘You will love God above all things.’» That is the Catholic version
but the true commandment is: «Have no other gods», that is, do not pray
to creatures, and do not bow to images to
honor them. But I didn’t know that, I didn’t know that, and that’s why I stopped being
Catholic when I found out, but the other people didn’t know it either
because they hadn’t read it either, and they asked me: «Where is it? Where is it?» what part [of the Bible] is it?»
and I told [people], «It’s in the Bible, read [here].» Look, look at my mistake, I told them: «read the Bible, there you will
find the denied truth…». Look, I fell into the trap. Look how I fell into the trap:
I told people that in the Bible they were going to find the truth denied by the
[Catholic] church and denied even by evangelicals.
But that was my mistake. That was my mistake. That’s why God
stopped me through evil people who didn’t let me continue [speaking for the Bible]. Of course, the
motivations of those people were not fair, but the motivations of God who
allowed it, yes [were]. In other words, I was in the error of
criticizing [idolatry] while defending the Bible, because [I] was defending, without knowing, terrible
lies, slanders of the Roman Empire against God, the slanders of the fourth
beast, of the Roman Empire. Of course, while it is true there are truths in the Bible, they
are intertwined with the lies of the Romans. It’s terrible.
This is why it is very difficult to quote parts of the Bible without sounding like a defender of
the Bible. And that is what I try, I always clarify in my videos and in the
publications I make on my blogs, that I do not defend the Bible but rather some parts
of it and that I am denouncing lies of the Roman Empire.
Now I am going to explain to you the lie about Saul’s conversion to Paul. Let me explain to you:
Look, let’s continue reasoning, the Roman Empire was a
tyrannical and unjust empire when it persecuted the religion of Jesus, up to that point
we agree. The Roman Empire was still an Unjust tyrant empire when
it supposedly converted to the religion of Jesus. But the religion of Jesus is
a just religion, of just people. Then the Roman Empire, as it continued
to be the same crap, never converted to the religion of Jesus but
rather deceived us: What is in the Bible are its versions [of the events]. It’s like having a murderer
tell you. It’s like having a murderer tell you what his victim said
before he died. do you believe him? It is obvious that you should not believe him because look
who that testimony comes from, it is a biased testimony told by the
criminal not by the victim. You have to be a little logical. But, what happened
to me? What happened to my logic? Why didn’t I realize this before? Why didn’t I
assume it before? because in 1997, when I had the opportunity to
read Exodus 20, I suffered terrible harassment from a woman
named Sandra Bazán, who would not let me sleep because she was calling me
every day, practically 24 hours a day,
once or three times every hour, morning,
afternoon, night and early morning; especially at dawn, she didn’t
let me sleep. It didn’t let me rest my mind, it didn’t let me think
well. And so it happened for 5 months. What was this woman looking for?
[She was looking to] confuse me. [I’ll explain], because she was a friend of mine that I had at the IDAT institute, because
I studied computer programming at IDAT, and she was interested in me, but I had
a girlfriend, I was faithful to Mónica. Monica was my ex-lover, I’m going to summarize it, because it is
a complex and long, very long story that I have told in another video, but here is a
summary: I didn’t pay attention to [Sandra] because I was in love and I was faithful to Monica, and
later, when Monica didn’t trust me, and she bored me with her
unjustified jealousy, I ended [my relationship] with Monica, [then] I wanted to ask Sandra if [she] wanted
to be with me, at that time At the time I was Catholic and I was ignorant of many things,
the point is that she doesn’t say yes or no to me, but rather [she] pulls and pushes,
she rocks me, what does it mean that she rocks me?, that She lets time pass without giving me a clear answer, she does not reject me, but she does not
accept me either, but she, on purpose, gives me vain hopes, she asks me to
look for her, and when I look for her she tells me no. (can talk to me), which she can’t [because she’s busy], then [she] tells me: Call me
tomorrow, and when I call her, she tells me that again, [she can’t, [but] to call her tomorrow , and that’s how
he rocked me [several times] at the beginning. I’m going to summarize this for you, because there are more things [to say], but I don’t
want to spend three hours on this video. And she was in her push and pull, so when
I decided not to call her, she began to harass me by telephone, calling me at the
phone number of a paternal aunt’s house where I lived, in Rímac (district of the city of Lima), but when
[ [she] called, she didn’t talk, [she] just made noises with the keys, at that
time there was no caller ID. The only way to get the
record of incoming calls was for the owner of the line to request
the record of incoming calls from Telefónica del Perú (the company that provides the telephone service), and I asked my
aunt for that. I told my aunt: Aunt, there is a woman who, when she was annoying me when I
was with Mónica, she called me at my maternal grandmother’s house in La Victoria (Another district of the city of Lima), in
Balconcillo (Urbanización in Victoria), and she didn’t answer but [she] made noises with the keyboard and hung up. And
one day I told him: Who are you [damn]?! Because two weeks had already passed [receiving those calls almost daily, during the mornings],
she answered me [indirectly]. No, she doesn’t answer me [in another call with the same modus operandi]. She hangs up without speaking. And a few minutes later,
or a minute later, or in less than a minute, [she] calls again and tells me straight away: José, who
am I?, and I say [to her]: You are Sandra. «You know who I am,» she replies. But I froze without
reflection, I didn’t say anything to her, I never asked [her] why she was calling me, but practically at
that moment she was telling me that she was the one who was calling. Look, it was about two
weeks of her calling me in the morning, [and every time] I picked up the phone, [I] didn’t hear
a single word, [only the tones she made with the buttons on the phone.] Just now and they were just the days in
that she was flirting with me, two weeks, then in the
last week, at the end of last week I told her, on the phone: [damn] «Who are you?», [I told her] using a lot of
high caliber words : Who the hell are you? Why are you calling? I was very upset. Then she
hung up, [before that] she made the noises with the dialing. She hung up and a minute later, or
at least a minute, the phone rings again, I pick up the landline, and she says to me: José,
who am I?, and since I knew [that woman’s voice], I answered : You are Sandra, [and she answered me:] «You know who I am» (as if answering my question),
Furthermore, that number did not have many people, only two acquaintances of mine, two
women I knew, or rather, two women had that number, excluding my family members of
course. Those women were: my lover Mónica and my friend
Sandra Bazán from the IDAT institute. (So ​​she was the one who called in the Rímac department too, I had no doubts about that, but I had no way to prove it.)
Then, she told me: «You know who I am», and then she changed the topic of conversation , she told me about something else
but I was a little surprised, but I didn’t say [to her]: Why are you calling me?
That was my mistake, not facing her was my mistake. The point is that time passed,
Monica bored me with her unjustified jealousy. I broke up with Monica, and that’s
when I want to ask Sandra [if she wants to be with me], the moment she starts this process of pulling me and pushing me, because
it seems that she didn’t like that I had rejected her before, it seems that Sandra’s pride
had been hurt, I don’t know, but it all seems very strange to me, she started
rocking me like that, she was playing with me [with my emotions, with my confusion]. At first, when I met her again
, because I had stopped talking to her because she treated me very badly one
night when I wanted to tell her about my feelings. I only called her again because I had promised to call her on her
23rd birthday, since on her 22nd birthday, I couldn’t call her, (I’m not
going to leave this thread with more details on that topic ). The point is that when I meet
her again on the phone, when I contact her again on the phone, and we
saw each other again, at the moment when I wanted to ask her some things, and find out if she wanted to be with me,
And by the way, know what happened that time when she suddenly started insulting me, when she
asked me what was the reason why I ended my relationship with Monica. Right after I responded to her: «Because
Monica was a bad woman,» and when I wanted to tell Sandra
that Monica had threatened to kill her, Sandra (because Monica imagined that I had a parallel relationship with Sandra),
Mónica felt unjustified jealousy of Sandra, because I was never
with Sandra (nor with any other woman while I was with Mónica), I wanted to explain these things to Sandra, but Sandra started treating me badly and I never
knew the reason or the why. That’s why I stopped talking to Sandra for a few months (until her 23rd birthday, in July 1997), but only because there was a
pending promise I had made to her. I called her on her birthday just to say hello.
And it is there at that moment, when Sandra tells me (just when I was moving the receiver away from the phone to hang it up): José, can’t we see the IDAT facilities? (I want you to explain AS400 to me) «
And when we We found each other. And we are talking about the year 1997, a few days after July 22, 1997, there, that is where all this begins,
I call her and we meet, and then in August [we saw each other again, she was elusive again, and I decide not to look for her anymore), and that’s when
she starts rocking me. As I said, we saw each other once and I wanted to bring up the
subject: Hey, what happened that time and why did you treat me badly? ?, I asked her. And I wanted to tell her this:
I wanted to tell you that my ex Mónica had threatened to kill you, and I took Mónica’s threat seriously, because she had found out your address and
your physical characteristics.» , I wanted to tell her that (Mónica and Sandra did not know each other, they were not from the same school, nor from the same social circle, I met Monica at a party where I went with friends from my neighborhood, and then I met Sandra at a Computing Institute, at IDAT)
I then wanted to ask her what happened to her and if she still wanted to be with me, if she had reconsidered, etc., what do I know, what do I know, (a normal conversation, that’s what I wanted),
but she never let me ask her, just in case, it is a long story that is in detail in an
article (on one of my blogs), and I have told it in another YouTube video in more detail.
She begins to avoid the answer with excuses and began her procedure of pulling and pushing against me: She tells me: José, I have to go,
my cat was left without eating, (She lived in the center of Lima (relatively close to the IDAT Institute, which was on the 7th block of Av. . Arequipa)),
After excusing herself, she told me: «But please call me tomorrow night.» «Call me tomorrow,» she repeated. I didn’t have a cell phone,
at that time few had cell phones, so I responded [to her]: OK, I’ll call you tomorrow. And when I called her at home the next day, I asked her:
So can we see each other today? She answers: Tomorrow, José. And then she told me: You know, José? I won’t be able to today either, call me tomorrow.
Then: Call me next week. Then she told me: «Call me this Friday.», but nothing was confirmed. And that’s what she was
telling me. «Call me tomorrow», «Call me the day after», etc. tomorrow and every time I called her she put me off.
There had already been about five postponements, so I got tired and I told her: If you don’t want to go out with me and continue
talking face to face. Normal for me (I don’t have problems with that), OK, let that be it. There it is, don’t worry. (I’m not looking for you anymore, I’m not calling you anymore).
I don’t like being told, that’s where it ends. I told him this because I didn’t want to waste my time. I felt like she was wasting my time rocking me (with her: come and go, yes and no).
So for me with that attitude of hers, the possibility of being with her was over, and I could accept it without problems, normal. But, do you know what happened? When I stopped calling her and looking for her for about three days: She did the same thing that
she did when I lived in my maternal grandmother’s house in Balconcillo, she started
doing it but to the apartment in the Rímac, and just since I gave [her] the telephone number of the apartment where I lived in the Rímac, after we met, because Sandra
did not previously have the telephone number of the apartment where I lived in the Rímac (x813185 was the number in 1997, and Sandra’s number was, if I remember correctly x311131), she started calling my paternal grandmother’s apartment, more frequently than when she called my maternal grandmother’s apartment in La Victoria dos years before,
actually a rented apartment, where the owner of the
phone was my paternal aunt: Luz Galindo, the point is that there she starts calling on the phone, just
when I’m not looking for her or calling her on the phone, she starts fucking patience, calling that house with the same way of disturbing,
How? She makes the phone ring, and when someone picks up the receiver, she doesn’t speak,
Look, she doesn’t answer a word, but when they hand me the phone , and she hears my voice, just at that moment,
she does something stupid with the keyboard, and then she hangs up the call, that is, she was waiting
to hear my voice, and she did it all the time, do you know
why? , Because she knew that I knew she was the person calling.
Plus I also knew it because there was no one else, there was no other girl that I gave
the phone to. I knew it for several reasons Look, it can’t be a coincidence that just
when I reject her, just when I stop calling her,
just when I start ignoring her, because I feel like she was
rocking me. Right after that. And she starts harassing me like this: She called in the morning, at first
every three hours, then every 2 hours, and each time she called more frequently
. So, I said: Hello? Then she would make those noises with the keys on her phone and she would hang up the call without saying a word. At first it didn’t
seem real to me that she could be the one calling. But then when I realized that when the others (my relatives who lived in that apartment) answered, she did the same,
she didn’t answer them, nothing but she just hung up when she heard my voice (but not before making those noises with the keys, she did that only when she heard my voice),
she waited for me to answer before hanging up, that is, she waited for me to
I was here to make noise with the keys, when my aunt, my cousin, or my uncle, or
my grandmother was there, they would say: «Hello, hello», but nothing happened, but they handed me the phone: «Let’s see, Pass the phone to me,» I told my relatives, they passed the receiver to me. «Hello, hello» I said. She heard my voice and hung up, although not before making the typical noises with the keys, those tones that were heard on the now old landlines.
And she was doing this for 5 months! And I was very confused.
At first I said to myself: This must be a joke. She’s making fun of me.
That was the easiest thing to think about. But Sandra was pretending (to be a victim of diabolical possession or to be the victim of some spell (I will detail it later)). Because Monica hated Sandra so much,
and because I was ignorant, I thought that witchcraft was capable of turning
good people into people who act strangely. Now I know that
witchcraft has no power over righteous people. But before I didn’t
know it, I thought Sandra was a good person, I thought she was
a good person who was bewitched, suddenly with my ex Mónica, who
hated her a lot, my ex hated her a lot even though I I never
cheated on Monica with Sandra, ever! So I didn’t rule out
anything: I asked myself: Is she bewitched? Is it Monica’s witchcraft? I didn’t know, I thought these things confused,
because I felt that she was asking me to look for her, but I I was inclined to think the
best and not the worst of Sandra, because before when she harassed me, when she
seduced me, she spoke with affectionate words as if I mattered to her, you understand?, that is,
for example (years before, in 1995), she taught me the Statistics course, which I had failed,
with a 04 grade, because I couldn’t study, and then Sandra called me and told me: José, I know you
got a 04, Come to the institute (I’ll I teach the course). I’m talking to you about before, before we stopped
talking to each other, before, when I still had a relationship with Mónica, Sandra taught me, she
looked for me to teach me, pretended or not, Sandra showed interest in me passing my courses, which Monica never cared, because when I
once told Monica that I had failed in that course, and that I had to study (and say goodbye to her earlier to go study at my house in Balconcillo),
Monica didn’t care. She didn’t care, she kept me by her side, she kept me from Monday to Friday and didn’t let me study (Mónica told me: I need more of your time, you are like air to breathe, José, you are my vice. And I let myself be carried away by passion. and the flattery of Monica’s false love).
Monica informed on Monday that my make-up exam was on Saturday, because she kept me from Monday to Friday, that’s why I arrived home late and without dinner, very tired and haggard, without strength to study, for my exam on Saturday . I remember going to bed on Friday night thinking: «Monica says she loves me and wants to marry me, but she doesn’t care about my future, she never asks me how my studies are going. Could it be fake love? I don’t have the strength to do it.» study, tomorrow is the exam, I’m lost!»
Sandra found out earlier that I had failed Statistics, although not from me. So, the next day Sandra called me at 7:00 am on Saturday, and told me: José, I know you have taken Statistics, I can explain to you, I have good grades in that course, come at 8:00 am.
and so I went, I studied with her as a guide, and I got a 16 or 17, because Sandra explained it to me. She made me study, feigned or not, she showed an interest in my grades in my studies, an interest that Monica never showed.
So, there were certain things that made me think that Sandra had sincere feelings for me.
But just when I decide to break up with Mónica to ask Sandra if
she wants to be with me, Mónica finds out all that information about Sandra.
And Monica threatens to kill her. That’s why it took me 8 months to end my relationship with Monica (because I didn’t want Monica to blame Sandra).
And when I finally broke up with Monica, because I had to delay so that Monica
wouldn’t believe that I was leaving her for Sandra, is when Sandra begins to behave
in a strange and hostile way towards me, is when Sandra begins to treat me badly then, going back to 1997: There was something in me that doubted
whether Sandra was really making fun of me with that telephone harassment, or that suddenly deep down, she
loved me, but [she] was behaving strangely because of some demonic witchcraft, I
I was in doubt because Sandra called the phone so many times that she seemed
desperate, she seemed crazy because she called me too often: The house phone rang in
the early morning, can you imagine at 2:30 am? , Other days at 1:00 am, then 1:30 am, I
couldn’t sleep. Then I told my aunt: Aunt, I know that a
former IDAT classmate is calling me, because she did the same thing (in the house where I used to live). So my aunt ignored my suspicions,
I was sure that it was Sandra who was calling, because for me there was no doubt. Then my aunt told me:
It’s not like that, you’re imagining it. Who is going to do that? Are you crazy?
Not that that person had anything to do. So I said to my aunt: Why don’t you turn off the phone
so I can sleep?, and because she had one of her children in Italy, or
two of her children in Italy, she told me: No. because Eduardo can call me at any time, and
the phone will be there working. In conclusion, my aunt didn’t want the phone line to be disconnected , I couldn’t sleep.
So I was going to look for her. I was going to look for Sandra.
Unfortunately I went to look for her because I thought that suddenly she was going to tell me
something and she rocked me, rocked me, and rocked me. He told me no and sometimes insulted me.
So I started there looking for answers in the Bible, I started reading the Bible at that moment, more than I ever did before.
That’s why I read the Bible, looking for answers, looking for answers to their
behavior, thinking. that maybe it was
demonic witchcraft (before that, I went to the Catholic Church looking for help with it, but they turned their back on me, the same thing happened when I went to a Protestant church, no one helped me with it, so I said to myself: «I’ll have to do it I. I will have to face the Devil who has possessed her (without knowing, at that moment, that she herself was the Devil (the slanderer))
. I came across
Exodus 20, and it is at that moment, in that circumstance that I read Exodus 20 for the first time
and stopped being Catholic, it happened while I was looking for an answer to know what
was happening to that former classmate named Sandra:
But this woman wouldn’t leave me alone and made fun of me. In the end he slandered me
. So what was the reason for my fall? It was because I read the message in the Bible that says: Pray for those who insult you.
And what was happening with Sandra? She insulted me: When Sandra was hooking me up so that I could look for her, with that
harassment with which she had me confused, I went to look for her and she told me: José,
something strange is happening to me. going on, I don’t know why I treat you like that. Why did she tell me that?
Because sometimes I would go to look for her, and she would say about me, and in a derogatory tone to her relatives present in her grocery store: And who told this one to come?, but be careful with this detail:
she said this, Well, she had a grocery store in the center of Lima:
Who told this guy to come? While I was surprised and responded [to her]: I’m here because you yourself have asked me to come see you here. .
You told me to come see you. What happens is that when she called me and hung up,
then I stepped on the stick, and I called her on the phone and said: Hello Sandra, she responded: Hello
José. Without rejecting me. Well, I didn’t say [to her], «You’re calling me at home without answering, when we answer the calls,» because I had no way
to prove it, but I assumed that she knew that I did know that she was the one calling. .
So, I said to Sandra: Can we meet? Can I see you tomorrow? She answered me: «Now José, come to my store in Jr. Washington tomorrow,»
then I was appearing like a stalker, an unwanted visitor in the eyes of her relatives, but behind the dressing rooms Sandra was the one who harassed me. making fun of my confusion and my noble feelings in an extremely cruel way,
do you understand? Because she asked me to go look for her, but when I looked for her
she insulted me, she complained about my presence, but then she told me slowly and in a low voice:
I don’t know what’s wrong with me, José, I don’t know why I treat you badly. , she told me in a low voice, not in front of her family:
Something is wrong with me José, I don’t know why I treat you badly, I don’t like treating you badly, Then I responded [to her]:
I’m leaving, I’m leaving. Go away, no problem, I’ll go. I don’t understand what’s wrong with you either, I’m leaving! I would leave and she would go back to [fucking patience with her calls, with what has already been explained]
Then one day when I returned her phone call, I remember telling her: Look, Sandra, if you don’t want me to look for you, tell me
straight and I won’t look for you. But Sandra answered me in a desperate voice, almost as if begging me: No, no, no, no José,
if I didn’t want you to look for me I would tell you directly and bluntly. Let’s stay friends, call me without any problem.
Call me, no problem with that. She told me that! And it had been about two or three months
since his rocking started (which lasted about 5 months). So at the end of 5 months. (Some time later) She
falsely accused me of sexual harassment, and sent some criminals to beat me with that lie as an excuse (A friend from my neighborhood named Johan saved me from a more severe beating, as I told it in another video).
This didn’t happen at the end of 5 months (December 1997), but after 5 months of her playing with my time,
it stopped, but I wanted to know what had happened, because she still hadn’t
answered me what she wanted. had happened, I had lost 5 months of my life. So I
wrote a letter [to her] in my own handwriting, where I asked her: What happened to you, Sandra? Why did you do this to me? And it is there, after that letter, when she
coordinates a beating against me perpetrated by three criminals, because I had written a
letter to her and put it under her door, already that she didn’t want to listen to me, since she wouldn’t let me speak,
I was explaining to her in the letter what she never let me say face to face:
That Mónica threatened me with killing her, and that’s why I didn’t say anything [to her] her] for 8
months, because I didn’t want to complicate things, I first hoped to end my relationship with
Monica so that she wouldn’t get suspicious and kill her. I told him that in the letter where I also told him:
Now can you tell me what’s wrong, why have you called me so much? What did you want from
me? Why have you wasted so much of my time by calling me at dawn?
What happened to you? I didn’t know why she had stopped calling me a little.
She didn’t call as frequently anymore, but I wasn’t sure if that was because the
witchcraft had won, if she had had feelings for me, because it didn’t seem to me like It may be
possible that practically until December or the first days of January 1998
she was calling me and then she wasn’t, and then she left me in the air, and then I wasted my
time. I tell you this because in that time of doubt while she was playing with me. I passed up
opportunities with other girls I knew. (I didn’t want to have parallel relationships with more than one woman) Well, I met other girls and I didn’t make anything concrete thinking
that it would be better to wait to clarify things with Sandra, my heart was not free, she
had enslaved me with her intrigues and also that I couldn’t sleep well,
just as I couldn’t sleep well during those 5 months, I couldn’t get myself to think that suddenly
the Bible contained lies, and apart from that, my relatives also became
very hostile, they wouldn’t let me read the Bible. Bible,
They told me: Are you reading the Bible? Since I had stopped being Catholic, my aunt didn’t and
my relatives didn’t like me criticizing Catholicism with the Bible and
they wouldn’t even let me read, and Sandra wouldn’t even let me sleep, it was terrible,
that’s why I At that moment I didn’t think better because I was being stressed by
that woman, and the strangest thing of all is that when that woman called on the phone,
she was disrespecting the entire family where
I lived, not only me, but my grandmother, my aunt, my uncle, my cousin;
And the strangest thing of all is that none of them were bothered enough to
make my aunt Luz Galindo request the record of incoming calls from
the Telefónica company, even though I insisted a lot to my aunt saying: I’m 100% I’m sure Sandra Bazán is the
one calling from her house on Jr. Washington block 10 in Cercado de Lima,
aunt, just ask for the record of incoming calls from Telefónica del Perú, and you will see
that the calls come from her house, because she She is not going to go out on the street, at 2:00 am or 3:00 am,
she does not let me sleep, but my aunt turned her back on me, my aunt did not pay attention to me, how much would it have
cost her?, only 20 soles (About 5 dollars), But my aunt never did, My aunt was not interested in stopping those calls to her house, and that is very
strange, and also the strange thing is that Sandra called as if she already knew that in
the house where I lived no one was going to make an effort to stop that woman’s calls,
Sandra acted with the security of feeling that my aunt and my
paternal family They were not going to arrest her, nor file a complaint for harassment or telephone harassment,
no, none of that, she acted calmly. It is very strange, all of that is very strange,
the point is that that is why in my youth I did not reach these conclusions
because I haven’t read enough, they didn’t let me read enough to
discover the lies, and because I didn’t sleep well either because of this woman
named Sandra Bazán. (A few days after Sandra’s betrayal with those criminals, my closest relatives betrayed me by falsely accusing me of being mentally ill, they had me kidnapped and doped with that false accusation as an excuse. Family harassment postponed my learning for two decades).

Saludos al Rímac. Y que la gente de la Cdra. 5 de Av. Pizarro sepa la verdad de lo que vió en 1998.
Atención gente del Rímac, zona Policlínico de la Av. Francisco Pizarro 593 cruce con Jr. Villacampa.

While you are distracted by international scandals, they go unnoticed.
They give away food, they give away clothes to cover up their fraud.
Do people want alms in exchange for bowing their heads before statues or repeating until death that lies are truth?
The Romans felt superior to everyone else and that no one would have the intelligence necessary to discover their lie, that is why they have deceived and betrayed us by falsifying the faith.
John 13:18 I am not speaking of all of you; I know whom I have chosen. But the Scripture must be fulfilled: He who eats bread with me has lifted his foot against me.
He who knows that someone is a traitor does not trust that traitor. The prophecy says that the betrayed person trusted the person who betrayed him.
John 6:64 But there are some of you who do not believe. For Jesus knew from the beginning who those who did not believe were, and who was going to betray him.
Therefore, Psalm 41:4-13 says that the betrayed man did sin, but that God makes him rise up to take revenge on his enemies, but 1 Peter 2:22-23 says that Jesus never sinned and never took revenge on his enemies.
1 Peter 2:22 Christ never sinned… VS Psalm 41:4 I said, God, have mercy on me; Heal me, for I have sinned against you.
Psalm 41:7 All who hate me grumble against me together;
They think evil of me, saying, 8 A pestilential thing has taken hold of him;
He is laid down and will not rise again.
Psalm 41:9 Even the man with whom I was at peace, in whom I trusted, who ate my bread, he also lifted up his heel against me.
10 But you, God, have mercy on me, and lift me up, that I may take vengeance on them. 11 By this I will know that I have pleased you, that my enemy shall not prevail against me. 12 As for me, you have upheld me in my integrity, and have set me before you forever.
As you can see, if Jesus did not sin, then that prophecy had nothing to do with Jesus.
The Romans invented the story because they feared the fulfillment of the prophecies in Psalm 41 and Psalm 109 during the reincarnation of Christ, when he comes to punish the unjust.
In Acts 1:18-20 the Romans said that Judas Iscariot died and that the prophecy in Psalm 109 was fulfilled, but as you can see that is a lie. The prophecies in Psalm 41 and Psalm 109 were not fulfilled at the first coming of Jesus, they are fulfilled at his second coming, simultaneously with other prophecies such as Psalm 118, Psalm 110 and Micah 7.
Isaiah 62:1 For Zion’s sake I will not keep silent, and for Jerusalem’s sake I will not be quiet, until her righteousness goes forth as brightness, and her salvation as a burning lamp.
Psalm 109:1 O God whom I praise, do not be silent; 2 For the mouth of the wicked and the mouth of the deceitful have opened against me; They have spoken against me with a lying tongue;

3 They have surrounded me with hateful words, and fought against me without a cause.
The Romans have demonized the Jews who did not want to eat pork, read Matthew 15:11 and you will see. In addition, they cowardly said that the Jews hated him so that the prophecy would be fulfilled: They hated me without a cause. The same one you just read that has nothing to do with his first life but with his second, and it has nothing to do with coherent Jews who tell him that no creature can be the God creator of the universe made man. The Romans have distorted and adulterated the true gospel.
For example: Where is there love for enemies in this prayer that asks for revenge against enemies? Where is there that stupidity of blessing those who curse you in this? In this prophecy he curses his enemies, his words denote a deep hatred against them, but always a totally justified hatred. And believe me, I understand it perfectly, as if I had experienced in my own flesh the betrayal that was said he would live in the prophecies cited.
Psalms 109:4 In payment for my love they have been my adversaries; But I prayed.
5 They repay me evil for good, And hatred for love. 6 Set the wicked over him, And Satan at his right hand. 7 When he is judged, let him be guilty;
And let his prayer be a sin. 8 Let his days be few;
Let another take his work. 9 Let his children be fatherless,
And his wife a widow. 10 Let his children be vagabonds, and beg;
And let them seek their bread far from their desolate homes.
11 Let the creditor seize all that he has,
And strangers plunder his work. 12 Let no one show him mercy,
And no one pity his fatherless.
13 Let his offspring be cut off; In the second generation let his name be blotted out.
14 Let the iniquity of his fathers be remembered before Jehovah,
And the sin of his mother not be blotted out. 15 Let them be continually before Jehovah,
And let him cut off their memory from the earth, 16 Because he did not remember to show mercy,
And pursued the afflicted and needy man, The brokenhearted, to kill him.
The traitors whom I accuse also tried to kill me!
Psalms 109:17 He loved cursing, and it came upon him; He did not want blessing, and it went far from him.
18 He clothed himself with cursing as with his garment,
And it entered like water into his bowels, And like oil into his bones.
19 Let it be to him as a garment with which he covers himself, And instead of a girdle with which he girds himself continually.
20 Let this be the recompense from Jehovah to those who slander me, And to those who speak evil against my soul.
The same I wish for those who slander me, and for all those who curse me, including that woman who from what she knew in advance seems to be a witch, I speak of Sandra Bazán, because she prepared an ambush in a place and at a time where it was not my routine to be there, and where it occurred to me at the last minute to be there, and when I got there, those criminals were already waiting for me along with her and another traitor friend named Jessica Ruiz, as I have told in this video, I was going with a friend from my neighborhood named Johan Méndez to a discotheque in the center of Lima to meet girls, because that friend advised me to try to forget what could have happened to Sandra and look for another woman, and when the mini bus passed by the IDAT institute, because that institute was on the route, I decided to get off to pay for a course, and I asked my friend Johan to wait for me on the corner, because just as I got off I saw Sandra, and I said to Johan: She is Sandra, the woman who I told you she behaves very strangely, I will go alone to ask her if she read the letter that I told you I wrote to her. Then Sandra was there, I crossed the avenue alone, and I approached her to ask her if she read the letter in which I asked her about the reasons for her telephone harassment, and where she told her about Monica’s threats against her, when suddenly, and from three different places, three criminals appeared whom Sandra called with her hand, they began to beat me while she falsely accused me of sexual harassment, my friend defended me in the fight against them, if not perhaps they would have beaten me to death. Details in the video:

Génesis 39:7-17 es a Abel y Caina – El hombre justo y la mujer calumniadora. (Proverbios 29:27).

I am José Galindo, the author of ( and I am going to make a short video complementary to the video where I tell the story of my faith and all the persecution and harassment that I suffered, in a mysterious way
as I tell it in my videos and blogs
( / – by-a-woman-who-pretended-to-love-him/ )
It was the year 1998, I was 23 years old and I lived in Balconcillo, (La Victoria – Lima, Peru) (In 1998, I went back to live for a few months at my maternal grandmother’s house in Balconcillo because I had gotten a job as a warehouse worker, and Balcocillo was closer to the warehouse (but in that company they made the workers work 16 hours a day, although they only marked 12 hours on their cards, and that’s why I only lasted a week, as I told in another video,
and with a friend from my neighborhood I was passing by this avenue on a coaster (a small public transport bus), and we were going to the center of Lima,
in the center of Lima, there was disco, between the jr. de la Unión and Jr. Cuzco, who was called “El Cerebro”,
It was winter of 1998 (Remembering better, I think it was May 1998)
I had told this friend the story of this strange girl who harassed me by telephone
to have me look for her, only for her to reject me with insults, and to say strange and confusing things to me about that behavior.
I was telling this to my friend Johan, about how intrigued I was about it, and that I wrote a letter to Sandra
and I put it under the door of her house, and in that letter I asked her why she did all that to me, and why she called me and
above all What did she want from me,
why did she act so strange, if it was because of witchcraft from my ex-girlfriend Monica or if she (Sandra) was making fun of me, and I told her that I needed an answer because I needed to define my life,
I told this to my friend Johan,
it was a weekday,
it was Tuesday, if I remember correctly,
and Johan told me, “Let’s go to a nightclub, forget about her, find another girl, if it’s witchcraft What they did to her, there is nothing to do”, I told her: You are right, let’s go to The Brain disco,
for that purpose we got on a mini bus, it was approx. 8:00pm, and I was enrolled at the IDAT institute,
in a course that I took only on Saturday mornings, a course related to AS400,
so I was on a mini bus heading to the center of Lima (That minibus was a coaster, a vehicle like that red one on that corner)
the bus was that type.
And I was more or less a block away from this place where I am standing and I said to my friend: Johan, since we are passing by where I study, let’s get off the bus,
and accompany me to pay the monthly fee for my course, after that we can continue our route to the “El Cerebro” nightclub.
Then my friend Johan and I got off the coaster, here on this corner,
here was a street that was the continuation of Jr. Pablo Bermúdez, which reached Av. Petit Thouars,
and right on the corner, there on that corner diagonally in front of us, Sandra was standing on the corner of the IDAT Institute block, between Jr. Pablo Bermudez and Av. Arequipa block #7,
So I told Johan: “Johan, that woman there in that corner is Sandra, the girl I told you about, I’m going to ask her if she’s read the letter I put under the door of her house,
I’m going to ask her What does she say about it, wait for me here, because she is so disturbed in her behavior that if she sees you with me, she is capable of thinking that we are going to do something bad to her, you wait for me here, I will go alone.
“Okay,” he told me. So I
crossed the avenue,
I came this way,
I went to where the traffic light is,
I’m just going to stay here, I stopped where that couple is.
And I told her: “Sandra..”,
Wait, I better go there to make this more real,
I came here, my friend Johan stayed over there where we had gotten off the mini bus,
here I came, and I saw her standing there, she was with her friend Jessica (whom I hadn’t seen when I got off the coaster).
I said to Sandra: “Sandra, have you read the letter [that I put under your door]? Did you notice? everything I did for you, why I didn’t tell you before, because Mónica threatened to kill you, etc..? And when I was standing here telling her this,
Sandra, through whistling and hand gestures, brought in three young men who were in three different places,
one of them was hidden to the right of me, another in front of me, but behind her, and another behind me,
they were in these three places,
the one behind her said he was a cousin of hers, and he told me:
Sandra’s supposed cousin told me: “So you are the idiot who constantly harasses my cousin Sandra.”
I responded, surprised: «What? Me sexually harassing her? That’s not true. In my letter I wrote to her: «Sandra, what do you want from me? I did all this for you, but you call me. You ask me to look for you, and when I look for you you reject me and insult me ​​(but I pray for you because the Bible says…(» thank you for your mercies Zeus, «thanks» ‘wise’ advice under your «hospitality», Satan (I’m being ironic»)),
What’s wrong with you Sandra What do you want from me? Do you love me inside and act like this because this is witchcraft from my ex-girlfriend Monica? Are you acting because you have joined a religious sect? Are you making fun of me? Tell me what happens with you? That’s not sexual harassment!
And I said to his cousin: «Have you read the letter I wrote her?» He told me: «I haven’t read that nonsense.»
Then unexpectedly, the man who was there behind me, by surprise, he grabbed me by the neck and knocked me to the floor, then the other coward man, her cousin along with him, began to kick me, both of them were kicking me,
while a third criminal, a boy of about 15 or 16 years old, he was checking my pockets looking for money, and three of them kicked me, I covered my face with my arms, because my nose had just been operated on. And this happened under the insensitive gaze of Sandra and Jessica, another former common classmate whom I helped in some courses, another traitorous woman.
And suddenly, thank God, my friend, my friend Johan enters the scene (It seems that these bad people had not seen him before, they thought I was alone). Happily my friend came to help me.
My friend Johan came from the corner there, he stopped there
and he started fighting against that man who knocked me to the ground, against the one who attacked me first, and that gave me the opportunity to get up, I got up and was able to fight effectively against Sandra’s supposed cousin,
but the youngest of the three criminals, the one who was searching my pockets for money, he went to the center of Arequipa Avenue and picked up stones and began to throw those stones at Johan and me.
So, we were controlling the fight, but because the third man started throwing stones at us we had to run out of there,
I told my friend Johan: “Johan, let’s go to the other door of the institute (the door of Jr. Pablo Bermúdez ), perhaps the institute’s guards will help us.”
Then we went to the door of the IDAT in Jr. Pablo Bermúdez, and on the outskirts there was a traffic police officer on a motorcycle, he was a dark-skinned police officer,
and the police officer said: “What’s going on here, what’s going on?” Then the man who had knocked me to the ground (he was approximately 1.82 meters tall, and his skin was dark brown), and the other, the one who was throwing stones at us, they fled, they only stayed there: Sandra and her cousin ( I don’t remember seeing Jéssica there, Sandra’s cousin was white and about 1.82 m tall. Sandra (23 or 24 years old at the time) told the police officer about me: “He sexually harasses me. ”
Then I responded by telling the police officer: “That is not true, quite the opposite, I am looking for answers to this woman’s telephone harassment!”
So, when the police officer told us: “Let’s go to the police station to clarify this,” Sandra got nervous and said “No, no, no, just like that.”, and she quickly left with her cousin.
She did not want to go to the police station to report me for my alleged harassment, because she was scared because her conscience was dirty, she knew very well that I had never harassed her, and she knew well that what she did against me that night was a crime! (Physical assault).
And I stayed there with the policeman and with my friend Johan, and the policeman told me: «Have you not seen yourself in the mirror? You have good appearance, why don’t you find another girl?, it’s easy, you give her a gift as chocolates», I responded: «This is not how you think or imagine». The thing is that she did not accept me, but she did not reject me with complete clarity, manipulating me with tricks, she did not let me go look for other girls and she kept me, that was very difficult to explain, and much more difficult to prove… (She was like the dog in the gardener.) «
Now the question is:
How could Sandra know that I was going to get off there, that day and that time, considering that that was not my routine?,
Why was she already waiting for me there?,
How did she know that I was going to be there?, I made the decision to get off the mini bus at the last minute, it was not a class day, it was Tuesday and I only studied on Saturdays. How could she be waiting for me there with that group of hidden men that day and at that time?,
That wasn’t my routine, that was something that occurred to me last minute when I was more or less around the place where that bus is.
That is something I would like her to answer.
I would like her to answer these questions because I don’t have answers for that, I can only speculate that she is a witch or a spiritualist woman.
What she did: slander, defamation, physical assault and many bad things against me.
I’m not going to forgive her, because she knew that she was bearing
false testimony against me, I want justice!

See how betrayals of all kinds have been prophesied, from friends, from family members, from romantic partners:
Micah 7:5 Do not believe in a friend, nor trust in a prince; beware of her who sleeps at your side, do not open your mouth. 6 For a son dishonors his father, a daughter rises against her mother, a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law, and a man’s enemies are those of his own household. 7 But as for me, I trust Jehovah; I will wait for the God of my salvation; my God will hear me.
8 Do not rejoice over me, O my enemy; for though I have fallen, I will rise again; though I sit in darkness, Jehovah will be my light. 9 I will bear the wrath of Jehovah, because I have sinned against him, until he pleads my cause and does what is right. He will bring me to the light; I will see his righteousness. 10 My enemy will see it, and shame will cover her; she who said to me, «Where is Jehovah your God?» My eyes will see her; now she will be trampled like the mire of the streets.
Psalm 109:21 But you, Jehovah my Lord, favor me for your name’s sake;
Deliver me, for your loving-kindness is good.
As you can see, he prays to Jehovah, not to a creature, not to Jesus, nor to Mary, or to any angel.
He does not pray to creatures! Hebrews 1:6 however asks people to pray to a created being because that message is Roman rebellion against Jehovah.
And here this deception and others were spoken of in the Bible, where one would least expect it:
Daniel 8:25 By his shrewdness he will make deceit prosper in his hand; and he will make himself superior, and by treachery he will destroy many.
VISIT: BESTIADN.COM and/or ANTIBESTIA.COM If you are not a beast, do not let them treat you like a beast because of your ignorance.

Isaiah 3:10-11 Tell the righteous it will be well with them, for they will enjoy the fruit of their deeds. Woe to the wicked! Disaster is upon them! They will be paid back for what their hands have done. VERSUS. Matthew 21:31 And so I tell you, every kind of sin and slander can be forgiven, but blasphemy against the Spirit will not be forgiven.

The Bible has some words that are true, but it turns out that false prophets also call Rome’s deceptive words in the Bible “words inspired by the Holy Spirit,” meaning they say that saying the Bible has falsehoods is an unforgivable sin by God, but raping children is a forgivable sin by God. In my fight against child rapists, I expose the lies in the Bible that false prophets use as an excuse to oppose the death penalty for child rapists.

 ¿Cómo expulsar demonios? Te enseño cómo echar fuera a Satanás, paso a paso. Paso 1: Identifícalo

 The true about Michael and Israel. Michael stands for the 144000 chosen people

 The reign of false religions, this may sound paradoxical because I quote a passage from the Bible, but Christianity is among those false religions, here I explain why: Revelation 13:7 And he was permitted to make war against the saints and defeat them. It was also given authority over every tribe, people, language and nation. Download the document

 La persecución religiosa en el Perú – El caso de José Carlos Galindo Hinostroza (Mi caso)Descarga

This is how the fraud operates.Download

 Jugando bien para ganarle a mi enemigo el Diablo

Riddle, what are we talking about?: From the moment you are born they are already accusing you saying: «He was born with original sin and he needs to be baptized.» When your parents take you to their church there they teach you to beat your chest saying this: «I confess that I have sinned and I also confess that it is my fault, my great fault.» If you have enemies who attack you, they tell you: «If you want to be forgiven for your sins, forgive your enemies, remember that we are all sinners.«. If you transgress the doctrines of that church, they call you a sinner and tell you that you transgress God’s rules, I understand that God is an uncreated being and is superior; If justice is a higher value, would God be in favor of condemning the innocent along with the guilty?, That church is the remnant of an empire that persecuted a group of people who respected justice, the Roman empire was a empire that destroyed the scriptures of the faith that it persecuted, however they tell you that that empire converted to the faith that it persecuted and that it began to preach the messages that it persecuted, and they also tell you that in the Bible that they have accepted there are the messages that they persecuted but that they later dedicated themselves to defending, I ask you, do you believe them?, Do they seem trustworthy to you?, If you are righteous, why should you join a group of people whose conscience does accuse them of being unrighteous?, If you are righteous, the best thing you can do is not to carry in your shoulders the blame of others, it is not in your best interest to carry the burden of those unjust who do injustice but who believe that they will be forgiven for following rules handed down from other unjust people and for spreading their lies. Answer: We are talking about the religion of the Devil, the one whom the Romans of the past have worshiped: Man, Zeus, the sun (Triumvirate of the Romans). Among the Romans, Sol Invictus was worshiped, the «Sun Invincible», whose festival was celebrated on the occasion of the solstice of winter on December 25, when, it was believed, it was the coldest night long and, from then on, the sun began to rise again. Exodus 20:5 You shall not bow down to any image to honor it, I am Yahweh your God, a jealous God who hates those who hate him and loves those who love him. Yahweh does not love his enemies: Matthew 5:38-48 is a lie of the Roman beast empire, that empire did not respected neither the commandment, nor the message, nor the physical appearance of Christ: they defamed him with the image of «a Sun made man», in order to continue the idolatry to images of the Sun that the Roman Empire already worshiped when they killed him.

I do what they would do (Revelation 12:7), I fight against the false testimonies against God, and the Bible includes those false testimonies, that's why Revelation 12:9 says what it says: the Bible is part of that world deception. With these words: Revelation 22:18 I testify to everyone who hears the words of the prophecy of this book: If anyone adds to these things, God will bring upon him the plagues that are written in this book. 19 And if anyone takes away from the words of the book of this prophecy, God will take away his part from the book of life, and from the holy city and from the things that are written in this book. John was not referring to the Bible, the Bible did not exist, John was referring to the true gospel that consisted of cursing enemies, not blessing them as the lie states in Matthew 5:38-48, precisely for this reason he curses to those whom he knew would adulterate the words even of the book of that book that he wrote, however no lie is solid, no saint died feeling love for their enemies who murdered them, this passage evidences it: Revelation 6:10 And They cried out loud, saying: How long, Lord, Holy and True, do you not judge and avenge our blood on those who dwell on earth? God is also vengeful, and that passage makes it clear: Revelation 16:5 And I heard the angel of the waters saying, You are just, O Lord, who art and was, the Holy One, because you have judged these things. . 6 Because they shed the blood of saints and prophets, you have also given them blood to drink; well they deserve it. 7 I also heard another, who from the altar said: Indeed, Lord God Almighty, your judgments are true and just. Love for enemies based on a God who loves his enemies is part of the Roman lies in the gospel.

The love of enemies is a deception of the enemy of God, the denial of the law that prohibits the consumption of foods such as pork and bats is also a deception; The Bible has lies from the empire that never converted to the faith that it persecuted, the Roman empire persecuted that faith to destroy it by Hellenizing it. In the version of the gospel falsified by the Romans in Matthew 15:11 Jesus tells us (To deny the law in Deuteronomy 14): "Eat everything because nothing that enters a man's mouth contaminates him", the Romans are thus accusing Jesus of something that as a faithful Jew he never said: Like Antiochus IV Epiphanes, they had in mind to Hellenize the true religion. The gospel was Hellenized by the Romans, like the face of Zeus, so they tell us with the images that it was the face of Jesus; and the doctrine of the Greek Cleobulus of Lindos is the one that says: "Love your enemy", but they tell us that Jesus taught it: And that is a lie. Antiochus IV Epiphanes tortured eight Jews, seven brothers and his mother because they refused to eat pork because God forbids it (Leviticus 11, 2 Maccabees 7). The prophecy in Isaiah 65 confirms two things: 1 # God loves his friends and hates his enemies. 2# The consumption of pork is confirmed prohibited. Antiochus, the Greek king: "Would you like to eat pork so they won't cut your body to pieces? (2 Maccabees 7:7)." Zeus, the Greek god: "Nothing that I God did is bad if you receive it by praying to me, are they going to refuse to eat pork?,  worship me all, those who don't, go to eternal fire (1 Timothy 4:3 , Hebrews 1:6, Luke 11:28, Matthew 18:7)." The phrase: "Do good to your friends and enemies, because in this way you will preserve the ones and it will be possible for you to attract the others." It is from Cleobulus of Lindos, "love your enemy is another way of saying the same thing", but that contradicts the law and the prophets, Jesus respected the word of God, but the Roman persecutors did not.

The Roman Empire desecrated the Sabbath with the excuse that Jesus was resurrected on Sunday, which is also not true. They have even lied about it because Jesus was never resurrected on the third day, since in the parable of the wicked tenants in Matthew 21:33-44, Jesus himself makes reference to a prophecy relating to his return, that prophecy is found in Psalm 118:5-25, and the events narrated there are not only incompatible with love for the enemies doctrine, they are also incompatible with the experiences of a man descending from heaven among the clouds; he lives on earth and is rebuked by God on earth, evidently because he sins, evidently because he is ignorant at first, evidently because he reincarnates with no memory of his past life, and he reincarnates in the third millennium after his death on the cross (Psalm 22:16-18, Hosea 6:1-3).







Zeus: ”He who is not with me is against me and is the Devil, that bald man is the Devil, he does not accept me as his only savior, he refuses to worship me (Hebrews 1:6), he insists on not eating pork meat, despising my words, he does not pray to my image, he speaks ill of my priests and pastors, he does not blindly believe in me, he hates his enemies, he is vengeful, he does not accept my advice to love his enemies and to let himself be defeated by them (Matthew 5:39, Matthew 15:11)". Gabriel: «You are not Jehovah, I will not worship any other god but Jehovah (Exodus 20:3). To see your face is not the heaven for me. I am the antonym of your shepherds and priests who dream of seeing your face forever, you look like those Greeks related to Sodom, in fact you are one of them, you are Zeus. Pork is a forbidden food (Isaiah 66:17), for me heaven is the blessing of Jehovah: the look and caresses of a righteous woman, you are the impostor god of the Romans who killed Jesus to falsify his words. Jehovah strengthens me to defeat you.” 

Stop your blasphemes! (Matthew 22:30). With your slander against the faithful messager and with your hatred for the law of Jehovah (Leviticus 11, Isaiah 65:4 , Leviticus 21:14, Isaiah 66:21), you insult, like those Greeks, who had you as their god (2 Maccabees 6:2), the blood of faithful Jews who died for love of the law of Jehovah (2 Maccabees 7, 2 Maccabees 6:18-20), I hate the enemies of Jehovah, they are my enemies too, and you will not be able to change my feelings against my enemies, I will take revenge (Psalms 139:17-22). What has been decided will be done (Psalms 18:37-50)If you are not Satan but me, Why are you preaching love to my enemy Satan?. I hate Satan because I love Jehovah. Jehovah’s enemies are also my enemies, and I hate them.​ Psalms 139:17-22. Your angels dress like those whom Jehovah hates, but my angels do not (Deuteronomy 22:5, Isaiah 3:9), Speaking of which: Why did those men who worship you always draw me without clothes?. Do your men like men? (Genesis 13:13, Genesis 19:4-29, Ezekiel 16:48-50 (Leviticus 18)). 

Don't be mistaken about me: Don't confuse me with others. 

Do not think that because I deny the doctrine of “love of enemies” and many other doctrines in the New Testament of the Bible, it means that I defend all the texts of the Old Testament of the Bible: There are serious contradictions in the Old Testament: Ezekiel 18 :23-24 says that God does not wish to destroy the wicked and that it is possible for the wicked to become righteous and for the righteous to become wicked, but based on the messages Daniel 12:10, Psalms 118:18-20 and In my own experience (Psalms 41:4-10), I have come to the conclusion that a person who is unjust can never stop sinning, but the righteous can cease from sinning if he knows the law; In my case, when I was Catholic I knelt in front of the crosses and other Catholic images of that church to pray (the sin of idolatry (Transgression against Exodus 20:5)), and when I stopped being Catholic, but I had not yet discovered certain falsehood from Rome in the Bible, I ate pork because I was confident in the truthfulness of a message in 1 Timothy 4 (The sin of committing impure acts (Transgression against Deuteronomy 14:3)). The message in Daniel 12:3-10 contradicts the message in Ezekiel 18:23-24, the message in Proverbs 9:8-10 and in Revelation 22:11 defends the message in Daniel 12:3-10. In the Old Testament, another of the things that do not fit with justice is considering Jacob righteous, as if the victory of the righteous was the victory of Jacob (Psalms 14:5-7), Jacob deceived his father who was blind to usurp his brother Esau and thus achieve that, under ignorance, his father Isaac blesses him and not Esau, that is not what righteous people do (Genesis 27:5-40), but you will see in the narrative how the mother of Esau and Jacob engineered this injustice, which is why the commandment “You shall honor father and mother” (Exodus 20:12) must have exception clauses that I have not found in the Old Testament, but that does not mean that they never existed. , justifying the wicked or condemning the righteous are acts God hates (Proverbs 17:15). As if this were not enough, Ecclesiastes is a book that I have found false, not inspired by justice: Ecclesiastes 7:16-18 says that one must not be excessively wise and one must not be either very just or very unjust, while Proverbs 1:7 and Proverbs 9:9 show wisdom as something desirable and that it is good to be increasingly wiser, without a limit that tells you: “No more than this, you are already too wise”; and also Proverbs 29:27 teaches that there are no shades or grays: You are either white or black (Spiritually speaking: Either you are just or you are unjust): Observe also how Ecclesiastes 7:16-18 invites you to try everything, stating that just by fearing to God, you will be delivered from evil, as if fearing God meant deliberately transgressing his law, (This message is similar to the messages in the New Testament that encourage you to eat pork without feeling like a sinner, but with that Roman falsehood attributed by them to the saints, the Romans insult the blood of people faithful to God who were murdered at the hands of the Greek persecutors, for refusing to eat pork (2 Maccabees 6:18-20), the Romans, inspired by Zeus or Jupiter and their invincible sun god, they have contradicted the clear messages of Isaiah and Moses (Matthew 15:17, 1 Timothy 4, Deuteronomy 14:3, Isaiah 65:4, Isaiah 66:17). In the gospel of Thomas you will see a message that defends the falsehoods in Matthew 15:17 and 1 Timothy 4 regarding forbidden foods. If you read the Gospel of Philip you will see a message that defends the Roman lie of the birth of Jesus from a woman who despite being pregnant, she was a virgin. For this falsehood, the Romans took the prophecy in Isaiah 7 out of context. If you read the book of Enoch, you will find absurd narratives about the laws of nature, and other things that do not add up. For these reasons and more, I wash my hands of both the content of the Bible and the Apocrypha, both as a whole are false, during my ignorance I defended these texts and that is why I thus amend myself of those involuntary errors, which my website from 2004 evidences that I committed it. This page: contains a copy prepared by third parties, of the web page that I created in Geocities, an old hosting service that Yahoo had in 2004, Yahoo’s Geocities already does not exist, and I lost access to my old Yahoo E-mail address associated with that web page, my page had ceased to exist, however approximately a year ago, to my surprise I found an exact copy of that web page, with a URL address similar to the original, I cannot delete or edit that copy, but if you read there, you will find evidence that my interest in religion is not motivated by the interest of amassing money through deception, nor by having a harem of women at my disposal, nor for receiving the applause of the crowds, my interest is based on the fact that I believe that God exists and that is why I seek God to give me his blessing, embodied in a loyal and virgin woman to join her in marriage, not going to Him with lies as Jacob did against his father, but going to my Father with the truth, despite my involuntary errors, my objective was the same: “My interest in the theme of religion started from my previous and current interest in having a fair ( just ) woman.”: Proverbs 28:13 He who covers his sins will not prosper; But he who confesses them and turns away from them will obtain mercy. Proverbs 18:22 He who finds a wife finds good, and he obtains favor from Jehovah. Leviticus 21:14 He will not take a widow, nor a divorced woman, nor a prostitute, nor a harlot, but he will take a virgin from his people as a wife. Proverbs 19:14 The house and riches are an inheritance from the parents, but a wise wife is from Jehovah.

1 Porque tuve hambre y no me dieron de comer, tuve sed y no saciaron mi sed, tuve frío y no me dieron abrigo, estuve enfermo y en cautiverio y no me visitaron, estuve confundido y no me aclararon las cosas, busqué justicia y me dieron la espalda, en resumidas cuentas, pedí ayuda y ustedes me dieron la espalda. 2 Porque tuve hambre y no me dieron de comer, tuve sed y no saciaron mi sed, tuve frío y no me dieron abrigo, estuve enfermo y en cautiverio y no me visitaron, estuve confundido y no me aclararon las cosas, busqué justicia y me dieron la espalda, en resumidas cuentas, pedí ayuda y ustedes me dieron la espalda. 3 El Rito (Película 2011) – Seguramente el Diablo le diría a su adorador que abofeteó a la niña de la cinta: «Que ahora ella te ofrezca su otra mejilla». 4 À travers un dialogue simulé entre Gabriel et Satan, je vous apprendrai qui est Satan et comment ne pas lui permettre d’interférer dans vos décisions personnelles avec ses conseils trompeurs. 5 „Judasz Iskariota, opowieść”: Rzymscy zdrajcy są zdrajcami wiary ludzkości! Rzymianie to Judasz Iskariota, jakiego nigdy nie było, przeczytaj ten raport „Opowieść o Judaszu Iskariocie”

Isaiah 42:12 Give glory to Jehovah and declare his praises the coasts. 
Revelation 14:7 Fear God and give glory to him, because the hour of his judgment has come; and worship him who made the sky and the earth, the sea and the sources of water. 

The mistake I made without realizing it, was to deny the Catholic Church, claiming that its doctrines contradicted what I read in the Bible, so without realizing it, I was saying that the serious lies of the Roman Empire in the Bible were words of truth, that’s why God let those unjust people stop me (Psalms 118 “Jehovah has punished me severely but has not handed me over to death”). 




With these words: Galatians 1:6-8 But if even we, or an angel from heaven, announce to you another gospel different from the one we have announced to you, be anathema. Saint Paul was referring to his Roman persecutors who would later assassinate him by beheading him to destroy the gospel that he preached and announce a different one, one reflected in the Roman Bible, to which they converted so as not to change their invading behavior at all. The successors of these evil invaders preach nonsense about the Roman empire transformed into the empire of false religion:





Those imbeciles say that they can do bad deeds but it is enough for them to say that they accept a long-haired man with the appearance of a Greek god, as their only lord and enough savior to be free from God's punishment, in turn, they affirm that if a person does righteous works but does not accept that long-haired man as his only lord and sufficient savior, he is under the wrath of God, which god? That false God must be Lucifer, indignant with those who do not worship him, but The righteous do not adore or accept any creature as sufficient savior, but only the Creator of the Universe Jehovah! Hosea 13:4 They will worship no Savior other than Jehovah.





I have been a computer programmer, I like logic, in Turbo Pascal I created a program capable of producing basic random algebra formulas, similar to the formula below. In the following document in .DOCX you can download the program code, this is proof that I am not stupid, so the conclusions of my research should be taken seriously.

If c=128.375 and m=c then m=128.375

The main conclusions of my research: The deception of the Roman empire in the Bible vs. the message of the persecuted in the time of Christ. :

Daniel 8:25 : Bible vs. "" - John 3:16 "God so loved the world (the unjust)" (One of the many Roman lies in the Bible) vs. God loved the righteous so much that he gave them the faith of Zion for them to survive. (One of the truths of Judaism in the Bible Habakkuk 2:4-20, Psalms 110:1-6, Genesis 12:1-3, Psalms 11:4-7, Psalms 118:5-25, Psalms 5:1- 12)). The Roman forgers have said through the Bible, and Satan through them: Let all the gods worship me. (Hebrews 1: 6), love Satan and his children, love your enemies (Matthew 5: 38-48). Those loyal to Jehovah respond to them through truths stolen by the Romans from the Jews to make the Bible: We will only pray to Jehovah, the only eternal God who has never been born and never dies (Psalms 97:1-7), we are loyal to Jehovah and we do not love his enemies, because they are also our enemies (Psalms 139:14-22).

 The final judgment in Daniel’s prophecy which says: But the Judge will sit, and they will take away his dominion, so that it is destroyed and ruined, must be fulfilled… What did Jesus feel for his enemies? What did the saints feel for their enemies? Love or hate? Many will fall back when they notice how they have been fooled and cheated; we should demand compensation from the Vatican and its accomplices for all the time they have made us waste, and I am serious.

Habakkuk 2:7 Will not your debtors suddenly arise, and those who make you tremble awake, and you will become their spoil? 8 Because you have plundered many nations, all the rest of the people will plunder you, because of human bloodshed, and violence to the land, to the cities and all who live in them.

Revelation 6:9 When he opened the fifth seal, I saw under the altar the souls of those who had been slain because of the word of God and the testimony they had maintained. 10 And they cried out in a loud voice, “How long, Sovereign Lord, holy and true, until you judge the inhabitants of the earth and avenge our blood?” The true messengers of Christ and his true message knew the prophecies and knew that their enemies and persecutors intended to impose global deception, as they knew that the prophecy in Daniel 8:25 had to take shape so that in the end times, in Christ’s return, the deception would be destroyed. In Revelation 6:9-10, it is then invoked that God fulfill his promises of justice as stated in prophecies like this: Psalms 58:10 The righteous will be glad when they are avenged; they will bathe their feet in the blood of the wicked. 11 Then people will say, “Surely the righteous still are rewarded; surely there is a God who judges the earth.” Where is the love for enemies in this invocation to God and these prophecies? Nowhere. Jesus also knew in advance that the Romans would never convert to his religion and would destroy his messages and those of his faithful witnesses, so he said this: Matthew 7:22 Many will say to me on that day, ‘Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name and in your name drive out demons and in your name perform many miracles?’ 23 Then I will tell them plainly, ‘I never knew you. Away from me, you evildoers!’ Just as the message in Revelation 6:9-10 is an allusion to the prophecy in Psalms 58:6-11, this message in Matthew 7:22-23 is an allusion to this prophecy where it is clear that he loves God, but hates his enemies. If he hates his enemies and he was not a hypocrite, then he never said the message in Matthew 5:38-48. It was the hypocritical religious “Roman Catholics” who, with that message in the Bible that says “love your enemies”, massacred many people in the name of their religion in the unholy inquisition, which was always in favor of idols and not justice, because fraud and justice are incompatible:

 Psalms 139:17 How precious to me are your thoughts, O God! How vast is the sum of them! 18 Were I to count them, they would outnumber the grains of sand—when I awake, I am still with you. 19 If only you, God, would slay the wicked! Away from me, you bloodthirsty men! 20 They speak of you with evil intent; your adversaries misuse your name (Using God as a pretext, they defend prayers directed to various creatures). 21 Do I not hate those who hate you, Jehovah, and abhor those who are in rebellion against you? 22 I have nothing but hatred for them; I count them my enemies. (The righteous hate the wicked, do not love everyone, only the righteous. Jesus was righteous, so he did not love his enemies nor die for them… Proverbs 29:27 The righteous detest the wicked; the wicked detest the righteous. )

Psalms 135:14 For Jehovah will vindicate his people and have compassion on his servants. 15 The idols of the nations are silver and gold, made by human hands. 16 They have mouths, but cannot speak, eyes, but cannot see. 17 They have ears, but cannot hear, nor is there breath in their mouths. 18 Those who make them will be like them, and so will all who trust in them. (He who has ears to hear, let him hear me… )

Isaiah 2:8 Their land is full of idols; they bow down to the work of their hands, to what their fingers have made. 9 So man is humbled, and each one is brought low, do not forgive them!

Not only are they idols, but they are also dishonorable idols!

1 Corinthians 11:14 Does not the very nature of things teach you that if a man has long hair, it is a disgrace to him? 15 But if a woman has long hair, it is her glory? For long hair is given to her as a covering.

Habakkuk 2:16 You will be filled with shame instead of glory. Now it is your turn! Drink and let your nakedness be exposed! The cup from the Lord’s right hand is coming around to you, and disgrace will cover your glory.

I am amazed at how science has increased, it is the duty of the just man to use science for the benefit of justice. Daniel will make good use of science. Daniel 12:4 But you, Daniel, shut the words, and seal the book until the time of the end. Many will run to and fro, and science will increase. True words in the Bible are like the floating remains of a ship in a sea of lies. The contradictions are the work of Roman persecutors: Matthew 4:6-11 says that Satan tempted Jesus and quoted a passage in Psalms 91 to him that says: "God will send his angels to serve you, so that your foot will not stumble in stone", also says that Jesus drove Satan away from him, and that later some angels came and served Jesus. But that is false, because if that prophecy had been fulfilled, Jesus would have seen the death of a thousand or ten thousand of his enemies, but Jesus would not have died. (Angel means messenger, one who carries a message). Psalms 91:7 Thousands will fall at your side, but you will not fall, 8 you will see with your own eyes how the wicked will be punished, 9 you will be saved because you have trusted in Jehovah, 10 You will be saved from calamities, 11 Because Jehovah will send his messengers to guide you on your way, so that you do not stumble on the stones along the way. Those things did not happen in the first life of Jesus, furthermore when the prophecy says "stumbling stone", it refers to false prophets who seek to cause the righteous to commit sins. Not stones in the strict sense of the word.

In the prophecies that Christ believed in, there is no room for love of enemies, only for friends. Read Psalm 118, in reference to Matthew 21:33-44. And look here: Love of enemies is one of the Roman counterfeits against His words and the words of other righteous men. You were told that Jesus was resurrected in Romans 8:11, and that He will return from the clouds of heaven according to Acts 1:11. But those claims are false, because Jesus did not rise again, and the return of Jesus and the other saints is through reincarnation according to Hosea 6:1-3, Daniel 12:2, Matthew 21:33-43, and Psalm 118. The Romans preached to you a false Christ, a creature that claims to be worshiped according to Hebrews 1:6. If the Romans said that this creature lives in them according to Romans 8:10, then they too have claimed to be worshiped. Michael, according to Daniel 12:1, stands up with his army of men faithful to God against Satan and his deceptions, shouting at them: “We will not worship you Satan, you arrogant creature, we only worship God, not creatures! You and the other rebels will suffer the consequences of your rebellion and your crimes.” If the Romans falsified the gospel of Christ, do not doubt, they have also falsified part of the prophecies before Christ, and the writings of Moses, that is why the Bible is not a reliable book. For all the above, they, the Roman falsifiers of the words of the righteous, are the men who rebelled against God according to the prophecy: Isaiah 66:24 And they shall go out, and look upon the dead bodies of the men that rebelled against me: for their worm shall not die, neither shall their fire be quenched, and they shall be an abomination unto all men.

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Y entonces Satanás le dijo al ángel Gabriel: "Te ofrezco 72 mujeres vírgenes si me aceptas como tu profeta obedeciéndome al inclinarte delante de este cubo".

Y Satanás le dijo al santo: ¿Quién ese hombre que se ha osado a desobedecer mis palabras y a no adorarme ni a mi ni a mi imagen, y por qué é...

El poder del ojo por ojo, es superior a la justicia ciega, a Babilonia, la condenada prostituta

El poder del ojo por ojo, es superior a la justicia ciega, a Babilonia, la condenada prostituta
La ley del ojo por ojo - haciendo joda contra los falsos testigos de Jehová El Diablo dijo lo que Cristo no dijo jamás, pero lo ha calumniado en boca de los romanos. Deuteronomio 19:20 Y los que quedaren oirán y temerán, y no volverán a hacer más una maldad semejante en medio de ti. 21 Y no le compadecerás; vida por vida, ojo por ojo, diente por diente, mano por mano, pie por pie. (Diablo o Satanás significa "El calumniador", fueron ellos y no un ser imaginario, no es que "El diablo los poseyó"). En Apocalipsis 6:10 no existe amor a los enemigos porque revela que Babilonia (Roma) ha falsificado las palabras de los santos. – «La pena de muerte» vs. «Ama a tu enemigo», El Diablo: Ama a tu enemigo, Yo: «No lo haré porque esa no es palabra de Dios sino de su enemigo el Diablo que lo calumnió».  (A= Salmos 22) + (B=2 Macabeos 7) = (C=Salmos 82:6-7) C: Su sangre no fue en vano, ni en rebelión contra la verdadera palabra de Dios (Isaías 66:17, Levítico 11) ¡lo cual mediante calumnias fue negado por los romanos en su Biblia (Mateo 15:11)!

Soy el héroe de la princesa y eso irrita al villano de escamas al cual le digo: "Aleja tus estatuas de ella, infeliz idólatra rebelde!, la ley de mi Dios dice: Éxodo 20:5 No te inclinarás a las imágenes, ni las honrarás; porque yo soy Jehová tu Dios celoso. Y cómo no has respetado este mandamiento, has falsificado el evangelio, por eso la Biblia tiene mentiras de Roma, con las cuales a ella no la engañarás, serpiente antigua!!, la virgen justa creerá en mi testimonio y no en tus calumnias. Además de ser el héroe de Luz Victoria, soy el anti ángeles impostores, se les puede reconocer como impostores porque ellos no aman la ley de Dios en Deuteronomio 22:5 (Apocalipsis 12:9-10). Deuteronomio 22:5 No vestirá la mujer traje de varón, ni el varón vestirá ropa de mujer; porque abominación es a Jehová tu Dios cualquiera que esto hace. Como ya ha sucedido en el pasado, los ángeles leales a Dios se manifiestan como hombres que sí aman la ley de Dios: Génesis 19:5 Y llamaron a Lot, y le dijeron: ¿Dónde están los varones que vinieron a ti esta noche? Sácalos, para que los conozcamos. Ellos llegaron como varones, no como mujeres, y no como travestis!. Gabriel fue descrito como un varón por el profeta Daniel: Daniel 9:21 aún estaba hablando en oración, cuando el varón Gabriel, a quien había visto en la visión al principio, volando con presteza, vino a mí como a la hora del sacrificio de la tarde. Sin embargo los amigos de los dioses griegos y enemigos de Dios, no solamente han falsificado el verdadero evangelio al helenizarlo, con sus imágenes ellos presentan a los dioses griegos como Zeus, Cupido, y los ángeles de cabello largo, a quiénes ellos les rezan, los verdaderos santos ángeles de Dios no son así, y nunca solicitan que nadie les recen a ellos o a imagen o criatura alguna. Pero el imperio romano no ha cambiado solo se ha transformado en un imperio religioso al que todos los gobiernos del mundo le consultan para crear leyes a favor de esas y de otras lacras sociales. Por medio de usar los nombres de los ángeles justos, ellos han insultado y acusado falsamente a los santos ángeles de ser autores y consentidores de diversas doctrinas idólatras, por eso son arrojados de su torre arriba. 

(A= Salmos 22) + (B=2 Macabeos 7) = (C=Salmos 82:6-7) C: Su sangre no fue en vano, ni en rebelión contra la verdadera palabra de Dios (Isaías 66:17, Levítico 11) ¡lo cual mediante calumnias fue negado por los romanos en su Biblia (Mateo 15:11)!

Apocalipsis 12:9 Y fue lanzado fuera el gran dragón, la serpiente antigua, que se llama diablo y Satanás, el cual engaña al mundo entero; fue arrojado a la tierra, y sus ángeles fueron arrojados con él. 

Apocalipsis 12:10 Entonces oí una gran voz en el cielo, que decía: Ahora ha venido la salvación, el poder, y el reino de nuestro Dios, y la autoridad de su Cristo; porque ha sido lanzado fuera el acusador de nuestros hermanos, el que los acusaba delante de nuestro Dios día y noche.

Eso les pasa por criar cuervos, por defender a criminales!